Monday, October 15, 2007

Starlight, Starbright!!

Well, actually, I'm writing this on Monday noon (miss "Friends" on StarWorld channel) having been up since 4:30 this morning.

Ming is going for one day trip to Singapore and should be back tonite.  I still get 5 hours sleep at nite.  I still have 13 KG weight gain (yup, lost another 1KG on my third day, YAY!!), still don't know about the shipment, still not talking to mum...but somehow, the world seems much brighter today.

I started my dat at 4:30.  My baby was not up yet, but Ming had to prepare to go to the airport.  I thought, when he takes a trip like this without us, I want my baby to be presentable so he can kiss her goodbye without the dirty diapers.  So I changed her diaper, prepare for her feed, and up at 5:00 am watching TV while waiting for Ming.  Fifteen minutes later both of us say goodbye to Ming at the gate.

I know it sounds silly.   When I grew up, my mum made it a must that all three of us kissed our daddy goodbye whenever he had to go out of town.  no mater if we're still in the middle of a nap, or doing something else, we stopped and kissed him and waved goodbye at him in the front porch.   So I want my baby to do that too to her daddy.

Then afterwards, I gave the vitamins to my baby, placed her under the morning sun for 15 minutes, gave her to her nanny while I check my emails for a while.  

By 9:00 she's bathed already.  she should have her lunch in 30 minutes, so I still have time to write some more.

Anyway, now her nanny stays with her when she sleeps during the day.  But I asked her to call me whenever my baby is up for a feed.  I want to hold her when she opens her eyes...hahahaha....(after her wash in the afternoon around 4pm, we care for the baby ourselves until the next morning at 8:00)

Oh, another thing that makes me happy is....i got to wash my hair today!!!!

HUAHUHAUHAUAA....It's a (stupid) custom that once you give birth, you're not supposed to wash your hair for 40 days and only took a shower with warm water from freshly boiled ginger and herbs.  While i don't mind and actually love the smell of the ginger, it's really driving me crazy not to wash my hair for one week.  

Mind you, Indonesia is VERY VERY HOT and HUMID and DUSTY and make you SWEATY.  Not a good combination for keeping your hair clean and making you feel fresh.

The record so far is 29 days: my colleague at work gave up when a small bug tried to enter her ear since her hair was just so filthy (IUUUCCHHHH).  I have not known one modern person who waited for 40 days.

So anyway, I took a shower, wash my hair, dried it up, put clothes other than pajama (I only wear pajamas for the past week and sick and tired of it), and (gosh I can't believe I did this) put on light make up just so I don't despise my reflection in the mirror.  

and I feel AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I don't know if I took a huge risk in the future (like all the ol people sayin) by washing my hair after just one week giving birth, but I think I'm willing to risk it in exchange for my current sanity.

Anyways, everything is fine now. Tomorrow we have to go to the hospital for our baby's first check up ... and now I plan to enjoy my day, and my baby...


imoet said...

Tenang Vi....aku begitu keluar dari rumah sakit langsung keramas kok :p. Just 3 days after giving birth.

Aku juga biasain si Iki cium papa sebelum berangkat kerja, sama sebelum tidur, di bibir :p. Padahal di Jepang custom cium2-an ke papa gak ada. Sampe opa omanya Iki di Jepang kaget trus "geli" pas Iki nyium mereka hehehe

Vi, are you breastfeeding Felicia?

The Diva said...

See!!! Sometimes those customs are just unbelievable, I think I could just break them ALL at once within one day and prove them wrong!! Huhh, sorry for being too modern, but I still think it's much better than being superstitious.

I am not living in an era where mommies are helped by midwives or their neighbours in giving birth, nor am I into those stupid rules that keep me from looking beautiful, smelling good, and most of all, feeling GOOD about myself!!!

Vi, take it easy with your mum ya... trust me, this is not going to be the first cold war (I believe it has begun even far before Felicia was born, hehehehe)...

She'll get to realize that her daughter has grown up already. She'll get to deal with the fact that borders and lines need to be drawn.
I won't say that she'll get to realize it SOON (mind you, sometimes it takes 25 years... or even longer...) but keep in mind that you have to be the BIGGER and the WISER person here.

She's the one losing authorities upon you, using the same old argument "anak kurangajar ngga mau dibilangi mama", but I have thought about such thing over and over again, everytime it happens to me... and came to the conclusion that, perhaps, just perhaps... She is simply hating the fact that now she CANNOT just tell her daughter off, she CANNOT just tell her daughter what to do and the little girl will obey and go for it.

Cut her some slack, give her a break, let her know that you are still her daughter but it's just f**king difficult to ALWAYS listen to her right now, 26 years after you learned how to walk under her commands.

I know, I know, it's easier said than done, but this is the only tips I have got till now...
Don't worry, I'll get back to you as soon as I find a BETTER tips that works perfectly fine, cos this one has been tried for 25 yrs and NOT yet 100% effective, HUAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

P.S. Could you also PLEASE tell me once you have figured out the great way to deal with the mommy-daughter authorities???? :-D

Vivi said...

Imoet: yes, well, I tried. The first day only got 20ml, second 30ml. don't know about today. My obgyn has given me some kind of vitamin to help with that problem. I want to though. I will keep trying everyday. though it's really tiresome at times...I have to use breast pump and for one day i only got a lousy 30ml...hope to get more today.

Sheila: Iya lhooooo....akhirnya hari ini pas mamaku telpon papaku (who's at my house) aku bilang sama mamaku, "Bobo, Felicia kangen lho...kok gak disambangi..." terus mamaku bilang, iya, soale mamamu jahat.
hahahahaha....ya aku bilang, gak kok, yang jahat emaknya.

anyway, I think we're okay now...


I will try to figure out about this mother and daughter thing. I hope to get your input one day too though... ;P

vini said... that you are being a mother, do to your mom what you want your daughter to do to you.
as for me, i am still a free spirit!!!! i can do whatever i want, YAY!!!
by the way, the only anak kurang ajar in the family is me, our mom always said that, she never calls vivi kurang ajar. but does she now? o yay, im not alone!!!!

as for daddy, hmmm....everytime we said good bye to him from the porch, i felt horrible!!! it felt like it may be the last time i saw him since you never know you know. he traveled so far away, sitting in the car for hours, eating shitty food, and sleeping in dirty motel to put food on our table :)
im not willing to sit for hours, eat shitty food or sleep in dirty motels for anything and anyone. thanks to him, i dont need to do that. by the way, my daddy still does that you his late 50. isnt he sth?

Vivi said... still does that.

But we'll get our chance to make both our parents' retirement a happy one...