Monday, October 22, 2007

Down with fever

Since last Friday, I got quite horrible fever, reaching 40.3C

I have no idea what's wrong, at first i thought i got dengue fever since it's going up and down, 37.5, then back to normal, then 38, then 39, then 40.

The next day i went to my obgyn in the hospital, since it's time for my check up.  I was shivering so bad that I waited in the car.  we got to the hospital at 6, only to find out the registration is at 7.  then we found out that the doctor was late and would come at 9am.  i couldn't take it anymore, so i went to the ER, where they gave me shot to lower my temp and allowed me to sleep there.   

My obgyn later on told me that it wasn't because of the stitches, and i didn't show any flu symptoms. so it must be because i couldn't breastfeed for the past three days.  Anyway, it was horrible.  since then, my temp has been going up and down more than Oprah's weight.  sometimes it reaches 36.7, then i slept for one hour, it returned to 38.

funny thing, my arms and legs are cold, but my neck, my palms are hot.  But i can do normal activities now.  too bad i have to limit my contact with my baby.  i have to wear mask, and i have to ask the nanny to feed her, I can only make her the formula milk.

oh yeah, i can't eat.  everything tastes foul and bitter...

gosh, i really want to get well soon.  the doctor said that if it keeps going like this, then i may have to stay in the hospital...i really, really, really, don't want that....


vini said...

makane masio gak enak harus dimakan. dont be like suri. its for your own sake. makanan gak enak is nothing compared to what it would be like if you`re down with the fever right.
so, how are you now?

Han said...

Get well soon, so you can post more stuffs! :D

The Diva said...

Duh Vi... I already suspected there's gotta be something going on, cos you haven't posted anything for quite a while.

Get well soon ya... try to eat more and perhaps healthier stuffs, it should help the breastfeed... otherwise you can ask Imoet how she did the breastfeed back then ( I think she used to have problems with breastfeeding as well).

I will mail you her address soon.

How are you doing now?

vini said...

vivi cepet sembuh ya...kangen nih...

imoet said...

Vivi, are you getting better now?!

Breastfeeding emang kadang kasih big problem to mothers, meskipun ya banyak yang gak dapat masalah apa2. Aku dulu abis kasih susu, perutku pasti kontraksi. sakit banget, dan abis makan ya muntah2. akhirnya aku cuma kasih susu 3.5 bulan aja. hiro gak kuat ngeliat n denger aku muntah2 terus (salah satu reason kenapa aku cepet kurus :p). dokterku gak bisa ngomong inggris jadi aku gak bisa explain. produksi susu juga akhirnya gak lancar soalnya yg dimakan dimuntahin semua. nyesel sih, mungkin kalo waktu itu aku hire interpreter ke dokter aku bisa breastfeed iki more. aku nyesel giving it up. moga2 kamu gak harus do the same and feel the same....

Hope you're getting better now. Pasti sedih rasanya gak bisa deket2 felicia. Makan yang banyak ya, Vi...biar cepet sembuh, biar bisa kasih susu normal lagi, biar bisa peluk2 felicia lagi :)

The Diva said...

Vivi.... hiks... just had your sms today.
What a grey birthday... I'm very sorry for you.

Btw Mut, Vivi masuk rumah sakit tuh. Hari ini bday nya padahal (23 Okt)
Suspected to be dengue fever or typhus.

Cepet sembuh ya Vi... Felicia udah kangen tuh, kita juga kangen sama your writings. Moga2 nggak lama2 di Rumah Sakit ya Vi... makan yang banyak, minum obat yang teratur *jangan bandel2 kalo dibilangin* and I am really hoping to see / hear you soon. Will call you this weekend ok?
(weekdays are not good cos I'll be up too late for work in the morning and my evenings are way too late for Indonesian time, sorry...)

Muah muah... hug hug...

Han said...

Woot! She is recovering! Am I the last one to know about it? :)

Vivi said...

Ce Vini: what do you mean, don't be like suri? and yeah...kinda miss our's the bitch at work?

Sheila and Imoet: Oh, i think I'm done with breastfeed. nothing came out now... so sad, but it's for the best anyway, it's torturing and really, NOTHING came out. If something still did come out, then it's a totally different case...

I tried to eat a lot, but somehow I still didn't get my full appetite back. have six more KGs to go, and that goes without trying. of course, after this, there will be a regime of ciak po, and then I really have to start exercising...

yup..i finally got in the hospital exactly one week. oh's certainly unforgetable...

but hei, I still have many more years to come when I can celebrate birthdays rite? Right now I can't wait getting Felicia's first christmas tree!!!

Han: hei, doing what now? so, when are you going to come and see our baby?

vini said...

suri is tom`s daughter. she gets to choose what she wants to eat. if she doesnt want to eat sth, tom and katie will ask what she wants to eat, etc...