Monday, October 8, 2007

The Final Countdown....

So here we are, Ming and I, at Mitra Keluarga hospital, less than 14 hours away before my C-section. And yes, we do bring laptop here. and full fledge camera bag, with Canon 30D and whole range of lenses. And PS2, and Zen Creative thingy. And a suitcase full of our clothes. Another bag full of what we may or may not need for the baby. And another bag of baby's clothes and cloth diapers and gurita which we, again, may or may not need.

Also bring a list of my customers' contact number.

Thing is, because this is our first baby, we don't know what to expect and what we would need. Since our house is quite at the opposite side of the city, and since I couldn't possibly expect Ming to know where I keep all of the baby needs, I figure might as well bring them. If I'm not sure, then I bring it.

So when we got here, one of the nurse actually shook her head, watching the things we brought....hehehhe....oh well, I will be staying close to one week what do you expect??

Being in SVIP room has its own advantage. We have a nice bed for Ming, two comfy chairs, dining table for four, two TVs, Refrigeration, KableVision, Microwave. For 1.2jt per night, it better be good.

Of course, sometimes I cannot think of the final bill. Oh well, this is special "request" from my dad in law, and Ming told me it's okay and he fully supports it. So I guess I shouldn't worry too much about the final bill. Oh, and we're suppose to check out around Saturday. But somehow according to the custom (not clear what custom), it's not good, so it seems that I'm going to stay for another night here till Sunday if we're not ready to leave on Friday.

Well, I still went to the office today, finishing some stuffs at work. then around 2:30 we went to the hospital, stopping by my favourite Vietnamese restaurant, LEMONGRASS for early dinner. I figure, I won't be able to eat there for quite some time anyway...

Then we arrived in the hospital at 4:30, finished the administration by 5 pm. Then had a lil observation in Kamar Bersalin (what's the english for this?). They're checking my weight ( a total weight gain of 18KG apparently!!!) and we heard our baby's heart beat (the most beautiful noise ever!).

Then we all realize that my obgyn forgot to tell me to take a blood test in preparation for the C section, which means I had to take it now in the hospital with the rate adjusted to the room, which means, the most expensive one... (yaiks!!!!).

They drew blood with this quite big needle, which though it only itched like mosquito bite, it's pretty unnerving to watch since they took three vials. Then the nurse said they're going to have the "Bleeding Test". Which sounds more horrible than it actually is.

They used like a tool like a pencil, than they hurt lho, bagian telinga yang ditindik itu. At first I was like, WHAT???? Bleeding Test????and the nurse said, don't worry, it's not as bad as ear piercing. And I told her, well, I was a baby back then so I have no idea how painful ear piercing is!! and she said, well, let me get you a less scary equipment then.

Seriously, she said "Less Scary Equipment" which isn't comforting at all.

To top it all, I ask Ming to hold my hand because I'm so nervous (Gimme a break: BLEEDING TEST and LESS SCARY EQUIPMENT are not nice words). And Ming refuses!!!!!

That son of @&^#*@^#*^!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (love him that I think about it, it's actually kinda cute)

I know he's scared of blood, but he didn't have to see it!! he only has to hold my hand!!! and yet
he refuses, he looked somewhere else and wouldn't go near me!!!

Oh well...apparently it doesn't hurt AT ALL. I don't feel anything actually.

But I was laughing out loud when the nurse did it.

Bad Habit.

Last time when they put IV inside, I also laughed out loud coz I'm so terrified.

I'm worry if tomorrow when my obgyn is cutting me open I will laugh myself silly because I'm so nervous and terrified. I certainly hope not. but it always happened. I cried and laughed at the same time when faced with these things...

Oh well, it's 6:45 pm now. Just finished taking a shower and had dinner. Ming is out buying a mousepad (we forgot to bring one). And I'm all alone here, waiting for my parents' visit.

Oh well...better end this now and watch some movie.

Can't wait till my next post when I'll officially be a mom!!!


The Diva said...

HUAHAHAHHAHAHA I CAN'T BELIEVE I AM ACTUALLY GETTING THE CURRENT UPDATE OF THIS VIA BLOG. You're possibly the only person to bring laptop along with your customers' contact numbers, business stuffs, and WHAT THE F*** is your stupid husband thinking the hospital is, a game station?? What was with the PlayStation and the Zen Creative thingy????

But it IS kinda cute that you actually bring EVERYTHING that you thought might be needed, be it for the baby or the mommy. Hahahaha, I mean, YOU; Vivi Yovita Suharto, a light-traveler, a practical person. I am a heavy traveler, I bring a suitcase worth of a week's trip for some 2-day weekend-getaways. I can't imagine what I will bring along if I am about to give birth and stay in a hospital for a week!!! I might bring the entire house with me, 10 suitcases altogether, hahahahahahaha.

IIIIIHHHH No comment on the Bleeding Test, let alone the Less Scary Equipments!!!!
I hate blood, I hate piercings (though I know exactly how it feels when you're a grownup and being pierced!!!), and I truly understand why your husband didnt wanna hold your hand. Were I him, I'M probably the one needing hand-holding since I'd have to SEE YOU being pierced, hehehehehehe.

Are you nervous Vi?
How does it feel, knowing the exact time and date you're gonna be cut open???

Anyway, remember what I said on the phone yesterday, whatever you do, no matter how nervous you are, just bear in mind that there is a little girl half the way around the world who's FREAKING OUT EVEN MORE THAN YOU ARE, who's thinking about you and shivering and trembling at the same time only by the imagination, so everything's gonna be just fine for you.
This little girl will do the freaking out (ALREADY AM!!!!!), you just stay there calm and subtle and pop the baby out, ok?

Lord Steiner said...

Well the actual list is:

1. Laptop Intel Core Duo 2, 2Ghz, 1.5GB memory
2. Huawei 3G wireless modem (to facilitate this live report!)
3. Creative Zen Vision W
4. PSP with game
5. Canon 30D with 24-105mm lens and 10-22mm wide angle lens
6. Mobile Phone


imoet said...

Woaaaa....udah di rumah sakit. Sampe ngakak2 aku baca ceritamu :))

Aku dulu juga di SVIP room. Tapi ya ilah...fasilitasnya gak sewah yg aku kira. 600 USD per night pek, Hiro cuma dikasih matras lipat trus disuruh ngatur tempat tidur sendiri di lantai (sekaligus masang seprei segala) Ihhh. Dan lupakan aja yang namanya internet connection. Aku kudu nunggu pulang rumah baru bisa posting di blog anakku lahir :p.

Aku inget abis ngelahirkan langsung disuruh susternya jalan ke kamarku. Edian...abis dipake ngeden semangka disuruh jalan?!?! bediri aja gak bisa. Gitu susternya ngeyel semua wanita disana ya sama, jalan sendiri ke kamarnya. Hiro ngamuk muk nyuruh kasih kursi roda kalo gak minta ketemu manager RS. Duh....untung cuma sekali kudu ngelahirkan hehehe

Dulu aku gak nyangka udah bukaan ketiga pas waktunya weekly check di obgyn, jadi gak bawa apa2 ke RS, dan belum siapin apa di tas juga. Lah masih 34 minggu. Akhirnya abis ngelahirkan Hiro yang panik, pulang rumah apa yg dia liat dimasukin ke tas. Yang sayangnya semua summer wear yg aku beli di Indonesia (@_@). It was winter, jadi akhirnya pinjem baju dari Rumah sakit buat ngebawa Iki pulang hehehe

Vi, good luck ya! Besok aku tunggu foto2 si baby girl. Enjoy your SIA flight :p.

vini said...

i agree with sheila about mr. steiner.