Thursday, October 4, 2007

Now or Later?

So yesterday I went to my doctor for my weekly check up.  Once he saw me, the first thing he asked is, "Are you sure you could wait until Oct 20th?"  

Well, how am I supposed to know when the baby wants to go out?  His exact words are, "Ini bayinya sudah mateng...sudah siap lahir sekarang, bukan lagi prematur"  So now I have two options, to go ahead with the original birthdate, or to give birth earlier.  

Honestly at this time, I really don't mind either way.  I'm not scared anymore, I mean, I'm bound to do it sooner or later anyway, and i just thought, why not sooner??

But seriously, we're talking about giving birth to a human being here...I mean, you can't just thought, hei, this saturday I have nothing to do, why don't I just check in the hospital and give birth?  I mean, can you do that?  then again, what else there is to it?  I chose to have operation, have the date picked anyway, and it's ME who's about to give birth, MY body, MY swollen feet and fingers, MY 20KG weight gain, MY stretch marks.  

Why not MY decision then?

I went to two doctors, VERY experienced doctors who knows what they're doing, and both said that my baby is actually ready.  NOW.  

Of course, the first thing that comes to mind is, OMG, I plan to have shipment next friday, I can't just lay down in the hospital!!  but then, I called my customers and they've been very understanding and cooperative.  They all asked how my baby is doing, and when I told them that I'm considering to have earlier date, somehow they help me pull it all together so that the shipment can actually be ready by the end of this week, and I really don't have to worry or think about it next week.

I know it sounds crazy, but I'm quite preoccupied with my job these past few weeks.  believe it or not, yesterday while waiting for the doctor in the hospital, i took my job and completed it in the cafetaria!  

But i guess I should have my priority straightened up now.  

Ming has been very sweet the past few weeks.  dealing with my mood swing, me sulking, getting me comfort food I want, very understanding when i complain of the baby's kicks.  He made me laugh a LOT.

And he offered to go to the person who can tell which dates are good for the birth to ask for earlier date.

but I know in the end it has to be my decision.

so what should i do????


The Diva said...

how COULD YOU think about your stupid shipment when you're about to choose when to give birth????
are you frigging crazy???

Let someone else do the shipping, let someone else do the frigging work, YOU ARE the crown princess, you are married to the crown prince, you are practically Lady Diana, (although far from a lady's attitude, huahahahahaha) bearing the first golden child of the real gold factory, why not let someone else fucking care about your stupid gold shipping blah???
and if ANYONE stands in your way, you might as well say FUCK OFF IF YOU'RE NOT ABOUT TO POP OUT A 3 KILOGRAM BABY OUT OF YOUR STOMACH!!!!

Hhhh... sometimes I don't understand you.

My dad said it was ripe enough, rite? And your obgyn too, rite?
so why don't you friggin pop that baby out and get the whole things over with?

Hmm, if I were you, I would choose the 10th of October. Not that I am a big fan of cute little twin-numbered date (a bit traumatic, to be honest), but 10-10-07 is actually a cool birthday.

I'll see what I can find about October babies.
Just spill the baby out, for christ's sake.
and get the hell away from your work now. or your in law, for that matter, hehehehe.

Vivi said...


I'm October baby myself. They happened to be very smart, independent, stubborn, and yet kind hearted. However, once you crossed over from Libra to Scorpio, you're a bit unforgiving too...hahaha...

as for the shipment, that's my responsibilities and i really don't want others to deal with it so that they can take credit of what I've been working so hard on.

Plus i want to prove that I'm not just lucky to have what's given to me, being daughter in law and all...I want to point out that I EARNED it.

I already told Ming to bring laptop to the hospital and ensure we can use it in the room. though the nurse was a bit taken back when I asked them whether the Super VIP room is Wifi or at least has internet connection or not.

yeah, I'm now seriously considering of giving birth earlier, probably sometime next week....but still looking for the right date...

imoet said...

I got your blog from Sheila (who else?! :p).

I love your writings!!!! dan semoga abis melahirkan kamu tetep nulis :p

Why did you chose cesarean at the first place? well, semua wanita bebas memilih sih, aku cuma penasaran aja apa yg bikin orang milih operasi daripada normal delivery?
due datemu sebenernya emang tanggal 20 ya? ato tanggal itu tanggal bagus jadi mau dikeluarin dihari itu?? kalo emang kata dokter udah siap keluar, ntar tau2 si baby keluar sendiri sebelum tanggal 20 gimana? :p. kayak si Iki....keluar prematur gak diduga2. gak sakit kok Vi....kayak (sorry) eek doang. Ekk duren maksudnya hihihi

The Diva said...

Are you kidding me Mut???

I would be the first person on Earth to fight for caesarean. Hehehe.
Do you know why they call it caesarean? Because the Great Caesar once cut open (or asked the doctor to cut open) his wife's stomach to get the baby out, since the baby was not to be delivered normally and Caesar, being selfish and thinking of his empire with no heir to continue his throne, DELIBERATELY chose his son/daughter than his wife, letting the poor woman die after the cutting open stomach (they didnt have ANY technology back then, no surgery equipments, no anaesthetic drugs, nothing to save people from losing blood etc), and that's how Caesar saved his HEIR, huhhh.

These days the tech is much much better and I believe caesarean is actually to save the woman from pain and endless swearing during the painful hours,hehehehe.

I am everything for caesarean, No matter what they say about normal birth and how they say that it's better, it's bla bla, it's to enjoy and to fulfil the purpose of being a woman, it's to endure the pain and then to feel the purest and highest satisfaction once the baby is born, blahhh (I used to have endless fights about this with my ex)... I would still fuck off those men who dare force me to decide otherwise.

"fuck off, you're not enduring the pain, you're just gonna stand next to me looking doofus and holding my hand yelling PUSH; PUSH; YOU CAN DO IT BABY... if you cant feel the pain then don't force me to!"

No, it's not feminism, it's just my (non-existent) endurance for pain and my efforts to be considered equal with men (and not Breeders of All Kind) hahahahahahahaha.

imoet said...

heh....kamu pikir abis operasi waktu healingnya gak lebih lama daripada ngelahirin normal? dan lebih sakitttt.
kamu bisa diselamatkan darirasa sakit diruang operasi non, tapi tidak ditempat tidurmu sendiri...huu huuhuuu.....
masak mau minum pain killer terus2an?! :p. kalo ngasih ASI mana bisa....

Vivi said...

well, Imoet, I think I should be asking others, Why on earth would you like to do it naturally???

Thing is, it's like saying, wanna go to Europe? take the cargo ship and have a month long journey with storms and sea sickness, instead of taking direct flight by Singapore Airlines!!! (hm...does my analogy make sense??)

benernya babynya tanggal 25 October. tapi terus dimajukan tanggal 20 karena operasi dan bisa milih hari. tanggal 20 itu juga sudah nanyakan orang, katanya itu tanggal yang bener-bener baik.

tapi sekarang jadi pengen majukan lagi...gak tau lah...ini aku sudah panik bener hari ini, apalagi mulai mules-mules, biarpun bukan kontraksi. seharian ini sudah tanya sana sini, bahkan sudah double book kamar operasi buat tanggal 20 sama tanggal yang lebih maju.

But i know I'm not in my right mind now. That i just want to get it over with. and that's not good enough reasons to make the date earlier rite?

So I'm just going to get a good rest and see if I still think the same tomorrow.

Agree with Sheila...but i just found out the origin of that name. That bastard!!! cut the wife open eh????? I wonder if circumcision has that kind of history ...

anyway, moet, kalo lahir normal itu = sebelum PASTI sakit + 50% sakit setelah melahirkan karena jahitannya de-el el (belum lagi kalo ambeien).

kalo operasi = sebelum gak sakit + 50% sakit setelah melahirkan (memang kemeng sih bekas jaitannya, tapi jarang ada yang ngeluh sakit lho sekarang)

ini berdasarkan survey temen-temen lho

so it's mathematically proven that having operation is better.

and do you guys really think that my writing is good, or you're just being nice?