Sunday, October 28, 2007

I'm Back!!

So finally I'm off the IV (AGAIN!!!!) tell you what, I've never had so much injections in the last 3 weeks than in my entire 26 years on earth. I didn't even bother asking for band-aid. My arms are full with needle marks, I have the IV changed three times: one because it got stuck, moved to the other arm, then the needle got bend, so have to be removed again. Plus every day (at one time, twice a day) I got my trombosit checked.

The drama started on 19 October, at noon. suddenly i got a light fever. feeling better, but at night the fever increased from 37.5 to 40.3C. We got blood check, but it's still 217 (trombosit), so, it can't be dengue.

On my last blog, my obgyn gave me the medicine to reduce my fever, but until Monday, my fever was still running high at 39C. I checked in the hospital and by that time the trombosit was 148 already. and it went down to 119, then 92, every day.

What really frustrating was the fever wouldn't go down, insisted on staying at 38 -39. We did a full blood check: thyphoid, nope. urine infection: nope. liver, nope, any other infections, nope. even the blood check showed negative on dengue viral infection.

My body felt okay actually, i didn't get any major headache, my body felt okay. it's just the damn fever! then my in laws told us to go to Singapore for a check up (because at that time, no one knows what happened to me). So we prepared all the paper work, getting ready for a check out when we found out that my trombosit has dropped from 92 to 27.

So there's no way we could get on the plane. we stayed in the hospital again, but requesting different doctor, and this time he's actually knows what he's doing. He immediately changed all the medicine, and by the next morning, my fever had went down to a normal 36C. of course, my trombosit fell for another 22. (normal is of course, 150 - 450). But i didn't care, I'm just so happy I'm finally fever free after 7 days.

gradually, the trombosit starts to increase, from 22 in the morning, 34 in the afternoon, 48 the next morning, 98 the morning after, and this morning, it reaches 158!

theoretically, I'm doing great! my temp is at most 36.4C, still normal, trombosit has reached normal level, my doctor told me to go home this noon.

But I'm still stuck here, in room H307 at 7pm. everybody (except me and my hubby) felt comfortable if I stayed another night here. resting. (sorry, Han, i have to mention this one again), in a 850rb/nite, VIP B room. The room is bigger than Mitra Keluarga hospital where I gave birth, but gotta say, the service sucks. the nurse regularly forgot to take the temp result they took. I once woke up at midnite confused why there's a temp under my armpit and how long has it been there???

My IV got stuck last time because I put my hand under my pillow while I shouldn't, so the nurse answer was to pull my pillow roughly to stop me from doing that. well, hello...there's certain standard you expect when you check in a VIP room, though it's not VIP A.

Anyway, so for the third time, we cancelled our check out. but we should definately be out by tomorrow noon. I don't want to stay another night here.

The hardest thing, of course, is I have to postpone seeing Felicia. I really, really miss that kiddo. On friday, my parents took her to her doctor, and she's now 4.1KG. Everyone who looks at her now all says how beautiful she is, how big she's getting, and all I can think of is, well, the smell of her in the morning. the way she stretches out her body... before i went to the hospital, I only got to see her through her bedroom window. I was so afraid I carried flu/thyphoid or nasty things like that, so i didn't even get the chance to kiss her.

I even got the nerve to measure my baby's temp through her anus, since it's the most accurate way, just to make sure her temp is just right.

And now I wonder....will she remember me? my voice?

she hadn't been able to see clearly last week, but now my parents said that she can starts seeing and listening....Will she prefer me than my mum?

I miss my baby terribly. Though I promised Ming that I would take it easy during my first couple of days back. I promised I wouldn't get carry away and exhaust myself from trying to take over from the nanny.

I suppose he has a point. The last thing I need is to go back to this place and got myself another series of injections...

I want to be healthy for my baby's first month celebration later on...

thanks for the prayers....

nb: i got my appetite back a bit. well, at least i can now eat more than two spoonfulls though less than half portion...


The Diva said...


KEmaren itu diagnose-nya apa toh Vi kok sampe trombosit turun drastis gitu, kalo bukan dengue, bukan thyphoid?? Dokter-e sapa kok goblok gitu pertamane?

Anyway, glad to hear that you're recovering... I've been thinkin about you the past few days and wondering how you've been.
Of course I cannot call you, reckoning time difference and my availability and all... esp. cos now it's 6 hours difference (meaning me going home at 6pm = your midnight hours there!)

Huhuhu... I miss your baby as well, I bet she must look different now, you really should post more pictures of her, you know... really really should take more pictures to see how she's developing from day to day.

Hope you'll be able to hug her soon. Oh yeah, and don't push it too hard. Enjoy the fact that you have a nanny and you can relax a bit cos you're living in Indonesia, why the sweat??? :-D

Lord Steiner said...

Trombocyte is white blood cell, which ideally is around 150,000 - 450,000 in a healthy person. They got used when there are invaders in your body, whether the viruses or bacteria or whatever. You need to keep them in supply otherwise your body loses its ability to defend itself, scary huh...

imoet said...

Jadi sakitnya kamu apa, Vi? kenapa sampe trombosit turun?

Feel good akhirnya ada postingan baru di blog ini :p. Jangan sakit lagi ya!