Saturday, October 6, 2007

i had a dream...

two nights ago.

in my dream, i woke up and told the nurses that I'm ready for operation.

The nurse told me, Ma'am, you already had operation, afterwards, you slept the whole day yesterday (to which I thought, cool! it didn't hurt one bit), and see, here's your baby....

she handed me my baby, who is really healthy and beautiful, with only one exception: her hair is as white as fresh snow.  But in my dream, i thought nothing of it, and when I hold her in my arms, her hair returned to normal jet black, and I'm in seventh heaven, holding my baby.

believe it or not, I even dreamt of breastfeeding my baby afterwards.  and it all looks so real that the first thing I thought when i woke up is, Where's my baby?  then I saw my tummy and realized it's just a dream...

at first, i really thought that the white hair in my dream is really a sign that the baby is old enough to be born....but logically, it's not really a good idea to decide based on a dream, rite?


imoet said...

Dulu....waktu aku penasaran jenis kelamin si Iki, aku mimpi bayiku lahir prematur. pas berhasil keluar ama dokter yang ditunjukin bukan mukanya, tapi titit-nya. two days later aku ke dokter trus tau jenis kelaminnya apa. Beberapa bulan kemudian Iki juga lahir prematur.
Waktu hamil dulu, aku percayaaa banget ama mimpi2ku.

Vivi said...

You really think so?

I had a dream before, holding a beautiful baby girl who looks exactly like my husband when I was 5 months pregnant and didn't know yet the baby's gender.

I found out later that my baby is a girl.

I'm really nervous now. Much much much more nervous than on my wedding day.

Iki lahir prematur berapa bulan Moet? beratnya? rewel gak setelah itu?

imoet said...

Tuh buktinya juga kamu dapet mimpi ttg gendernya anakmu kan...:p

Good Luck, Vi!! You are about to board your Singapore Airlines very soon. I understand your feeling (though not completely since my baby was born when I was not THAT nervous yet). Cepat atau lambat, apapun keputusanmu, pasti terbaik buat bayimu (positif thinking, positif thinking!).

Iki lahir umur 34 minggu, 1.9 kilo. kecil banget. susuku ae dulu rasane lebih dari 2 kali lipat kepalanya :p. Cuma rewel beberapa bulan pertama kok, bangun tiap 2 jam minta susu (malam hari loh), abis itu dia mulai tidur 8 jam kok :)

Han said...

The white hair symbolize your baby is more than ready to enter this world! The breast feeding part symbolize your personal commitment to take care of the baby!