Friday, October 31, 2008

Escalator for the Lazy People!

Check it out! I have been wanting to post this for quite a while now... It's located at Hong Kong Causeway Bay overhead bridge just across Sogo.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

My Pretty Daughter

Beberapa hari ini, Felicia kalo ditanya, "Mana fotonya yang cantik?"  Sudah langsung senyum senyum sendiri sambil nunjuk fotonya yang dipajang didinding.

Terus juga suka joget sama lagu "Potong Bebek ..." Jadi ceritanya nih, kalo kita mulai nyanyi lagu itu, langsung Felicia nyari jari telunjuk kita buat pegangan, terus dia berdiri sambil goyang goyang ke kanan en ke kiri...

Terus lucunya lagi, pas baris "Lalalalalalalalala...." dia ikut nyanyi (kalo lagi mood) "yayayyayayayayaa" 

Terus nih, kalo kita ganti lagunya, " Pok Ami Ami" atau lagu lain, dia suka sebel terus langsung main njiwit sambil teriak teriak.  Kalo dicuekin en kita terus nyanyi langsung ngomel en mau nangis.

Terus masih suka main Peek A Boo , tapi kali ini dia yang sembunyi: selimutnya diangkat buat nutupin mukanya, terus pas kita bilang "BAaaa!" dia nurunin selimutnya sambil meringis.

Monday, October 27, 2008

My Mink

There are times when Ming was being a-know-it-all son of a gun.  There are times when I can't believe I'm married to this guy (and not in a good way), but to be fair, I'm sure he has that feeling too from time to time about me.

But this blabbering is dedicated for the lovely Mink he is.  

Like the spontaneous birthday kiss and hug he gave me past midnite.  Like the way he hold my hand in the morning when we both are up but too sleepy and lazy to actually wake up.  Like when he told me sweetly that he'd happily filled up the water tank in the toilet (when it wasn't working a couple of nights ago) for me to use if I want him too.  Like when I was feeling miserable (sometimes for no reasons at all) and didn't want to get up and I told him to get me a glass of warm water with lime juice and he did.  no question ask. no "later, hun".  he just did.  

Like the bear-hug he gave me just when I need it.  Like when I said this morning "You better get the toilet fixed this morning because I just have enough of it!" and he just look at me with that lovely smile that I just COULD NOT keep getting angry at him.  Like when he called me just to say thank you for that lovely bread I re-heat for him this morning. was those small moments that remind me how lucky I am to marry this adorable Mink.

Until of course, the next time he acts like a-know-it-all-he-bitch


The most important thing for me in a house is (beside Air Condition if i stay in Indonesia) the bathroom.  Give me a sleeping bag and I can sleep peacefully.  No kitchen?  I'll be happy to get Nasi Bungkus for 25 cents.  No mirror? No Problem!

But all I want, is a decent WORKING bathroom.  It doesn't have to be sparkly clean for God's sake!

When I woke up in the morning, I need to know that a warm shower is waiting for me, that the toilet is working perfectly so I can do my both business peacefully. 

Really, is it too much to ask?!

Apparently so.  Ever since Friday, there has been problems with my water pump.  I had someone come to fix it in the morning, then it'll work for a while, then it got busted again at night.  Saturday morning he came to fix it again, then on Saturday evening it broke again.  Sunday Morning he came to fix it yet again, and .... MONDAY morning it broke again!!!

And it's not JUST the pump.  On Friday it's the pump, on Saturday it's something else, and God knows what happened that fateful Sunday night.  

And just as I thought it won't get worse, this morning, my maids filled one plastic bin full of (cold) water for me in the other bathroom, and when I was about to take a shower, a COCKROACH scurried near me.


I had the same problem when I was staying in a boarding house in Jakarta, renting an overpriced, old and insect-infested room simply because of its great location.

I thought I'm past that.  I was wrong!

That lil bug does it.  It's like the butterfly effect.  The needle on Camel's back.  

I put on my house-slipper and step on it several times with a vengeance while screaming "FUUUCCCKKKK!!!!!"  

I don't feel the slightest better, but when I finally lift my feet after taking a shower and saw it all dead and squeezed, I have to admit, a lil satisfaction and relief creeping in me.


If tomorrow morning the toilet isn't working properly, I'm renting an apartment for the week.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Happy Birthday ME!!!


I am now 27 years, wife and mother of one.  

OH. MY. GODDDD!!!!!  

Saturday, October 18, 2008


I fell down last Sunday, during Felicia's third celebration.  Worse, I was carrying Felicia at the time.

We were in Gramedia Expo parking lot in the basement.  We brought a lot of thing with us.  My handbag, Felicia's bag, Ming's camera, Felicia's bike (she refuses to get on the stroller, so we use bike everywhere).  So I told Ming to carry all the stuffs while I carried Felicia.

Then just as I was about to move my left leg, something blocking it.  You know the small block of concrete that was always marking each parking spot?  Well, because I was holding Felicia, I could not see it.  

Anyway, What happened next was something ... extraordinary...

Within seconds, everything seems like in a slow motion.  My free right hand could not grab anything to hold on to, so I knew I was definately about to fall.  The only thing I was thinking of that moment was, "Don't let her go, don't let her go, don't let her go".... As a matter of fact, I was focusing SO hard on NOT letting Felicia fell, that without realizing it, I did something that now I know I couldn't possibly have done.

Anyway, so my right leg got stuck, my left leg is falling so fast, my right hand stretched out exactly 90 degree out for balance, my left hand is holding on to Felicia.  And then I hit the floor.  To be exact, my left knee-cap hit the floor square.  My whole body weight, (and that's a lot..hahahaha) PLUS Felicia's are being sustained by my left knee cap.  

I heard a resounding "Thud!!", and then thinking, "thank GOD I didn't drop her".  Throughout the whole thing, Felicia didn't even blink.  She's just looking at me, not realizing what has just happened.  While I was falling, I could hear Ming Ming keep saying, "Oh my God oh my God oh my God, Vivi!  You poor thing, are you okay?!"

He came right at me afterwards, and I was still in that position, that professional gymnastic's perfect landing position, and I can only manage to say very calmly, "Please take the kid. take her now."  He dropped everything (don't worry, he managed to place his very expensive camera on top of the trunk first), then sweep Felicia off in his arms.  

Then, with all the pains came flooding with a vengeance, I finally let go and screamed "OH MY GODDDD, THAT HURTSSS!!!!!!" 

After I was up on both my legs (my left one was still trembling), Ming of course, immediately said, "Honey, no acrobats while holding the baby please.  You should pay attention more to your surrounding, I mean, it's a concrete! can't you see it?!"  I was embarrased, my left knee cap felt like it was about to explode, and I wanted to cry.

To this day, I am still amazed at how I managed to get on that position to prevent Felicia from falling.  I tried to copy the position again, and I couldn't!! even with both my hands holding on to something.  There's no way I could have done that, but yet I SO did!!

Plus, now I know that Ming, deep, deep deep down inside, is a very sweet and considerate man.  I couldn't forget his voice when I was falling, he sounded sincerely concerned, worried, and very loving.  As a matter of fact, that was probably the only time I've heard him say something with that loving voice.  

Sure shortly after, he's acting like a know-it-all-he-bitch by telling me I should have been more carefull, et cetera et cetera.  Sure, last night he pissed me off by refusing to let me use OUR computer for just few moments after he's been using it for hours.

But the point is, I know that deep, deep, way deep down inside, he's  a sweet guy.

hhhh....well, the main point I was about to say is: I fell.  No Worry, didn't drop the baby.  and against all odds, Ming was being so kind and considerate.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Felicia, at One ...

Sekarang Felicia sudah bisa:

  • Liat sambil nunjuk ke langit- langit kalo ada yang bilang "Cicak! Cicaknya mana yaaaaa..."
  • Nunjuk dirinya sendiri kalo ditanya "Felicia nya yang mana yaaaa...."
  • Nunjuk susternya kalo ditanya "Susternya yang mana yaaaaa....."
  • Nunjuk dirinya sendiri kalo ditanya "Yang suka gigit siapa yaaa...."
  • Kalo ditanya, "Felicianya nakal yaaaaa..." sudah bisa jawab "GAK!"
  • Kalo ditanya, "Felicianya E'Ek yaaaa....." sudah bisa jawab "GAK!" tapi kalo memang bener mau e'ek, jawabnya "ek....ek....."
  • Sudah bisa bilang "Papa" kalo liat papanya/liat fotonya papanya/kangen sama papanya
  • Sudah bisa bilang "mamamamamamaa" kalo lagi seneng ati pas liat mama, lagi pengen digendong, lagi gak enak ati, baru kebentur
  • Sudah punya gigi bawah 2, gigi atas 2.5 (yang depan dua sama sebelah kanan baru keliatan dikit)
  • Sudah bisa bilang "KHO! KHO!" kalo liat Thor, our new puppy.
  • Kalo dipapah/lagi merangkak, suka ngejar en nendang anjing-anjingnya.  Kalo Poppy diem aja ditendangi, Kalo Richie cuek, kalo Thor suka bales jilat jilat.  ieuwww......
  • Paling suka main di ruang Paviliun
  • Paling suka makan ikan Dori.  Ikan yang lain gak suka (Salmon, Tengiri, etc)
  • Kalo sudah naik sepedanya susah diajak berhenti.  Kalo gak didorong sepedanya suka protes.
  • Waktu diajak ke Pasar Atum milih satu boneka, dan sekarang jadi favoritnya.
  • Selalu pengen incip apa yang dimakan orang lain.  Jadi sampe sekarang sudah incip: Teh Tarik, Kopi Torabika, Passion Fruit-Green tea with Pearl, Mango-Red tea with Pearl, Blue Lychee, Ice Cream, Hashbrown, Sausages, Pancake, Pho Hoa, Wingko Babat, Chicken Lemongrass, Bakwan, Hiwan.  And loves them all!!
  • Kalo seneng bilang "NAAAKKKKK!!!!!"
  • Kalo mau minum bilang "NAK NAK!!" sambil mau ambil botol minumnya.
  • Sudah mulai nangis kalo ditinggal papa mama kerja
  • Kalo teriak telinganya orang orang dalam jarak 3 meter pada berdengung
  • Paling suka main kejar kejaran 
  • Paling suka juga main Peek A Boo
  • Kalo ada mama gak mau digendong sama susternya
  • Kalo ada papa gak mau digendong sama yang lain
  • Kalo digendong mama gak mau sambil duduk, mintanya mama berdiri en ngajak keluar kamar.  
  • Kalo pas digendong terus mamanya jalan balik kekamarnya sukaannya teriak teriak, gak mau
  • Kalo gak dituruti suka sebel terus jiwit, kalo gak gitu nangis
  • Kalo mau tidur sudah gak mau digendong, maunya baring baring dulu diranjang sampe kecapekan sendiri
  • Kalo di kithik kithik sama mama sukaannya bales gigit
  • Sudah bisa berdiri sendiri
  • Di permukaan keras, Sudah bisa "merayap" sambil pegangan
  • Dulu pernah tangan kiri nya dipegangi mama, terus jari telunjuk dari tangan kanannya dituntun ngikuti garis garis di telapak tangan kirinya sama mama.  Jadi sekarang kalo lagi ngelamun suka (berusaha) niruin
  • Suka pengen masuk kamarnya papa mama.  
  • Suka main "bowling" sama lipstick and make up nya mama a.k.a ancurin/buangin/buat berantakan meja riasnya mama.
  • Suka liat cermin terus senyum senyum sambil nunjuk dirinya sendiri
  • Lansung senyum kalo difoto (asal lagi enak ati.  Kalo gak suka nyuekin en nunduk terus), habis gitu pengen liat hasil fotonya sambil nunjuk nunjuk dirinya sendiri

The Celebrations!

Felicia is one year old now, she’s no longer a baby, she’s a toddler!!  

For her birthday, we got her a brand new shoes and two new dresses. We also got, of course, a very big and colorful birthday cake we especially ordered from Igor. They custom made one of the accessories so it would look like her favorite doll (it's the huge one in front, with red and yellow stripes and flowery antenas), and she’s pretty excited about it.

We celebrated her birthday THREE TIMES!.  

The first one was with her Jakarta grandparents, on her birthday, Thursday 9 October 2008. At first we planned to eat out, but since her Emak and Engkong seldom got the chance to come to Surabaya, they preferred to spend as much time watching her at home. So we ended up eating a delivery of 369 noodles at home.  

Since we could not cut the cake because of other celebrations are waiting, Felicia gave Emak and Engkong their own Opera Cake to bring to Jakarta, which we heard is a big hit with Felicia’s uncle and aunt there as well.  

Felicia also got her nanny and the maids some cupcakes.

Thank you for Emak and Engkong for the especially heavy and sparkly angpao! And thank you as well for Uncle An An and Auntie Chen Chen for the toy!

On Saturday, The second celebration waiting, because her Surabaya grandparents were away to Singapore for medical check up during her actual birthday. In the afternoon, we brought the cake to Nai Nai and Yei Yei’s home and took more pictures there before having dinner in our favorite family restaurant, Lemongrass, which offers great food, delicious drinks, and MSG free! So Felicia can also eat the Pho there (it’s Vietnamese Restaurant)

Her Nai Nai got her lots of brand new clothes from Singapore, along with new socks and hair bands and accessories. Felicia got the chance to ride her bike around the swimming pool, and played with the grand piano there. Yei yei gave her a red envelope as a gift, which she gracefully accepted at first, waved it around, and decided that a piece of envelope did not interest her at all and threw it away. Twice.

HHHHhhhh…I have to teach her that it’s what’s inside that count. Literally. Hahahaha…., anyway, thank you Yei Yei for the gift, It’ll go to her savings for sure (boy she has more money than me!!)

Also thank you for Aunt Sophia and Uncle Alex for the toy!

On Sunday, I decided that I haven’t met my friends for almost one year and that’s too long and invited them for lunch and hence Felicia’s Third Party. This time we had lunch in my favourite location restaurant, a cafĂ© called The Library inside the new Gramedia Bookstore.  

My friend Lidiawati also brought her son, and we had good time. Unfortunately since Lidiawati and I are preoccupied with our kids, and there’s husbands as well, we could not chat as freely as we’d like to….

feisty lil one

But it’s a good thing to meet up, we promised we’ll see each other again on Lidiawati’s son’s first birthday in a couple of months. Yup, that’s how busy we are ahahahaahhahaa…..

Thank you Aunt Lidiawati for the colorful dictionary! Felicia’s mommy LOVES it! And thank you Aunt Natalia for the toys! Felicia loves it!! Hehehehe….

And so the three celebrations made the whole week a pretty tiring one, but thoroughly enjoyable!  

Monday, October 13, 2008

Happy Birthday Granddad!!.

Happy Birthday to Felicia's Granddad, my beloved Daddy, who is celebrating his 57th Birthday in Osaka with his newborn grandson.

Hope you have a better celebration than last year, when everybody got caught up with Felicia's birth and no one remembered it was your birthday (including you) until late at night....

Your quiet presence has always brought a calming and assuring atmosphere in our family, and at times, the one "force" that keep both the balance and sanity at home, especially among the raging hormones of three "feisty" daughters who never stops asking you, "Who do you love most, Dad?"

But of course I know that You know that You love me most!!!

(take that Ciprut!)

Thursday, October 9, 2008


October 9, 2008

Felicia's first birthday, yaaaaay!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Greetings from Felicia!


More pics at the usual picasa website.

Saturday, October 4, 2008


On the new couple, my baby sister and Mr. Aldo!

Take good care of her, make her happy, or else....