Friday, November 2, 2007

Oh the joy of rocking!!

They warned me about it.  They told me not to do it and avoid it at any cost.

But of course, I wouldn't listen.

And now, my smart daughter can smell guilt from a hundred yard.  She can tell if the one's taking care of her is just a maid and she wouldn't bother crying.

But once I enter the room (or her nanny, or her grandma) she starts pulling her act, weeping and crying (boy, she's L.O.U.D), demanding to be hold.

Yup, I'm talking about "tuman digendong", or in plain english, a state of mind when the baby realizes the comfort and joy to be hold and refuses to sleep/eat/do other activities unless she's in your arms.

At first I thought it was a compliment that she loves it when I hold her close to me.  Though my mum told me that I didn't hold her correctly, and though Ming's friends gasped when they saw the way I hold her.  

But she loves it, she fell asleep peacefully in my arms.  I sing her lullaby, I talked to her softly, I rocked her gently...then her eyes started to get really heavy, and you can just see her strugging to keep them open...

Then I start lowering her down...and she grabbed my shirt!!!! she grabbed my shirt and hold her body in such a way that you know she doesn't want to lay on her bed, she just wants to be in your arms...

Then I try again...caressing her forehead gently, rocking her again, singing her lullaby again....then lowering her down...very slowly...slowly....and she open her eyes wide again and start crying her eyes out!!!!!

I laughed out loud...don't know whether it is out of frustration or amusement.  

It takes three attempts and a total of one hour to finally let her in such a deep sleep that she didn't realize I'm lowering her down.

Oh, and last nite she's also cranky again...after her feed she refuses to sleep and yup, wants to be carried again... though last nite I suspect a minor thunder plays a part (she kept waking up whenever there's thunder)

On another matter, I'm plagued with gifts that I hadn't got the chance to open....I have a total of three strollers now, countless baby bags and a lot more of baby bottles...I picked one stroller, but still left with other gifts.  I guess I'd better open them during the weekend.  

Not that I'm ungrateful, I love receiving gifts!! from someone I know.  In this case, we receive quite a lot from in laws' friends.  Which are all appreciated of course ... I just have to keep track of them.  and figure out what to do with five baby bags....


Han said...

Sell the extra stuffs! The rich get richer! :)

vini said...
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vini said...

save them for me. i dont plan to buy any baby stuffs. seriously.

The Diva said...

hahahaha your daughter surely KNOWS and UNDERSTANDS the words "filthy rich, filthy spoilt!" hahahahaha.

I forgot how great it was to be rocked, I guess I was too little to have any recollection of it.

Baby stuffs? Well I guess you could save some for the more "needing" people, Vini has volunteered, I might as well do the same in a couple of years (give it 5-7 years, hehehe)

imoet said...

Yeah yeah...semua orang bilang jangan kebanyakan digendong. Tapi...aku pikir2, cuma waktu bayi ini bisa gendong2 dia lama. Beberapa tahun lagi pasti ngamuk kalo digendong :p.
Masa2 dia minta digendong seharian itu emang paling capek. Dulu kalo bersih2 sama masak, Iki aku gendong dipunggung. Tapi abis lewat masa2 itu ya udah lupa capeknya

Vi...buanyak banget barang2 bayimu?! :)). Iya tuh sumbangin ke Ella sama Vini. Mungkin beberapa barang ada expire date jadi kalo mau mereka mending "cepetan"? hihihi

The Diva said...


I ALREADY POSTED SOME NEW UPDATESSS AND SINCE WHEN DO YOU DO BLOGWALKING AND START COMMENTING ON EACH ONE AND EVERY POST: I have checked since this morning and you have commented on: Imoet's, mine, and I don't know who else... DASAR!!!

go blog something more interesting. or take pictures of your daughter.
or do something useful, like giving me advice on my mourning, single desperate life!!! go read my blog now!!!!

Vivi said...

Han: thanks for the suggestions, but I think I'll pass them to someone else later on, besides, who'd want to buy them from me?

Ce Vini: Don't worry, I'll save a stroller for you...

Sheila: a couple of years means TWO, not FIVE to SEVEN Years...and yes, I AM that bored. And I've just been "blogwalking" to Imoet's and yours...which I found most interesting...

Imoet: I suppose you're rite!! besides, in another month I have to get back to work and won't be able to hold her as much as I want to ... emang sekarang Iki gak mau digendong?

Han said...

Go go, new post!

The Diva said...



And you said you're bored. I AM BORED now, Vivi!!!!!!!!!!!!