Tuesday, November 6, 2007

On dengue fever

I just found out that the church behind my house had just had an epidemic...

40 people got sick from dengue fever!!! no wonder!!!!  could be because they're constructing this huge new building next to their old one, and somehow disturb the mosquitoes?  

I dunno, but at least now I know that I was one of the victim and not just because i'm "weak" (like they all said) after giving birth...


The Diva said...

again, EVERYTHING could happen. If there's one thing I am glad upon, it would be the fact that you HAVE given birth before the fever attacked.

Even my mom was talking about it on the phone when i called her the other day.

It's a matter of fate plus some wise decision, I guess. You'll never know...

cici said...

duohhh kwangen pwoll pwoll PWOLLLLL mbek Felicia :(

nggak puas kapanhari nggendonge...man nggendong sekali tok, habis gitu langsung dikentutin ma the lil tigger...I think that's the way she defends herself at least till now...buat aunties yang laen, apalagi yang punya misi2 tertentu, beware!!!

Han said...

Since when does a mosquitos need to be disturb in order to feed? They just fly out and look for the juiciest girl to drink her blood. :) Just tell lawrence to get some DDT and cleanse the place!