Tuesday, November 6, 2007


So now I've established some kind of routine in my daily activities,

I woke up at 7am every morning, or whenever Ming woke up.  Then preparing bread and coffee/tea for Ming.  Then after Ming left, placing my baby under the morning sun for 5 - 10 minutes.  Then when Felicia is taking a morning shower (with her nanny), I check the email, browsing the net, working out, having my own shower...

After that, it's gonna be around 9:30  to 10am.  Then i bring Felicia to my bedroom, played some DVD, doing some office work...until approximately 12:00 when I have to feed her.  Then doing some more office work until 2:00, feed her again, then taking a nap until 3pm or 3:30pm, then bathing Felicia until around 4pm.

Then browsing internet again.  Then taking shower, then watching the Simpson, then Friends.

Afterwards, waiting for Ming.  in the afternoon, Felicia spend most of her time with her nanny.  I only showed up when she eats at around 8pm and again at around 11pm.  I usually watch TV with Ming.  Then I slept around 11 or midnite, while setting my alarm at 2:30am to go to the nursery room and sometimes either holding her after she eats or giving her the milk.  or finding out that she's done with her meal, and already sleeps so I can go back to bed.

Then i go back to bed and wake up again at 7:00am

repeat.  five times a week.  and during weekend I usually beg Ming to take me outside, though only for 30 minutes eating Mie Undaan...


Han said...

Lawrence u need to buy this girl some flowers to break her routine! :)

vini said...

damned!!! mie undaan....

Vivi said...

yeah lawrence!! listen to Han's advice!!

Ce Vini: oh yeah, steamy mie undaan while raining...not to mention teh sosro...you can also get bakcang there...en nearby, there's a wonderful soto cak To

vini said...

vivi, shut up!!! have you ever heard that words can kill ppl?
dont like teh sosro anyways...be careful, kencing manis!!

eh mie undaan itu mamane teng nyo toh? tonggo ne kita pas cilik disek. yak apa de e skg? tanyao ya lek kamu pas makan ndek sono.

flower...i told atsushi never to buy me flower. such a waste. i think im not good with plants and flower. we had 2 pots of plants and we named them aho and babo (meaning stupid in osaka dialect and korean), and both died after a month or two. darn!!! such a waste of 3000 yen!!!! i think i would be happier to get 3000 yen rather than flower hehehehe....

Vivi said...

well, Ming used to get me one stem of rose every month ... and I found it really sweet, coz he always gives it to me in the most unexpected ways and time.

and teh sosro is not too sweet!!! it's just perfect with every meal...

The Diva said...

Hahahaha I don't even SEE vivi as a flower-type! :-D
She'd prefer books to flowers, I suppose (with the assumption that books don't go rotten, flowers do!)

talk about routine, try this:
I wake up at 6:30 am every morning, my alarm usually starts ringing at 6:00 but I'll need 1/2 hour to drag my butt off the bed.
Then I make my breakfast + a small sandwich or salad for lunch, and while toasting the bread I will go to the shower. Not to take a shower, but to wash my face + brush my teeth. I don't take a shower in the morning, not on 3 degree Celsius, I do it at night before I sleep.

Then I get ready n dressed up for work. 7:30 will be my time to get out of the house and run for my underground.
8:00 am arrive at work, start the whole round, lit the candles and prepare the course rooms, check my mail, and start doing my job while taking a thousand phone calls during the day.

17:00-17:30 if lucky enough, get out of my office in time for the post office and mail the letters / documents that I have done for the day. (no, no office boy around here! German wage is way too expensive to pay for an office boy's salary!) I consider myself lucky that the office has a cleaner team / janitor though!

18:00-18:30 arrive home, prepare my dinner, most likely contains frozen food or anything that can be shoved into the oven without further ado or efforts to cook. No rice, only baked potatoes, again... cos I can just buy the frozen ones.

then I go to the shower or watch DVD while waiting for dinner, and still watch the movies, series, whatsoever WHILE eating dinner alone in my sad couch in front of my laptop, until bedtime.

Take a hot shower before bedtime, then 22:00 go to bed with awful backpain and whole exhaustion to relieve.

Repeat. Five times a week.
on the weekends I will sleep until noon, then go to the supermarket or to the shop to buy things that I need, to finish stuffs that I need to do for the week.
Sunday will be cleaning day, vacuuming my dirty apartment and trying to refresh and re-energize before Monday.

Seven days a week.

See, Vivi, YOU'RE not the only one with routine here. Everybody does. Sometimes even a sadder one.
Hope that comforts you a bit :-)

vini said...

hahahah....sheila beats me please!!! our office doesn`t have office boy nor janitor :( so every week we (the ladies only, you know why...a lili hint, im in japan), take turn clean the kitchen area and the toilet, plus wash all the towels used everyday!!! o and if we have guests, the person in charge that week must get them drink as well, and of course clean anad wahs the cups afterward. how`s that??!! but luckily i dont have to wake up at 6 or 6.30. i wake up at 7. i always take a shower 2 times a day. shower really does wake me up.
i dunno you`re working now, so no more burger king huh?? hehehe...
how do you like working in a german office?

Lord Steiner said...

Well, I bang her sometimes to break the routine