Monday, November 5, 2007

Chiki Balls!!

yesterday while I'm feeling blue from my weight problem, my hubby came home from a wedding party and bought me chiki balls cheese!!! (don't worry, it's only 100cal and I didn't have dinner)

lil things like that really make me love him more....hehehehe...


Today I felt better.  I know there's no point of getting depressed over my weight without doing anything.  So this one month I'll work out, do detox, drink a lot of water, skipping rice, and we'll see how it works.  

If it doesn't work, then I'll report to you guys ...

(I definately want to go back to my original weight before Chinese New Year!)


vini said...

good idea vi!!! do marie france too!!

cici said...

uhm...marie france is very expensive, apparently...last time I heard it was more than 10 million for a continuous therapy in a few months...but yeah, you can always check...heard their price goes down a lot.. .

imoet said...

Hua!! chiki chiki!!!
sampe melotot ngiler bacanya (>.<)

Kamu udah stop breastfeeding kah?!

OhyaVi, di Jepang abis ngelahirkan ada korset khusus. Bisa mbentuk segala macem. Keluaran wacoal. Dipake dari abis ngelahirkan. It did work for tummy shaping after giving birth. Kamu tahu sendiri gimana slim freaknya Japanese young mothers kan?!

Sama ada krim keluaran pigeon. Biasanya abis mandi dipake ngurut perut, paha ato bagian2 berlemak yang lain. Krim itu somewhat nggelontor lemak. Ada petunjuk juga kok arah ngurutnya gimana.

I should have told you weeks ago!!! tapi kalo masih mau coba you could ask Vini to send you some.

imoet said...

Those products kayaknya dibuat khusus buat yang abis ngelahirkan. Soalnya sekarang aku nyoba pake lagi...didn;t work anymore. Hiro cari informasi di Internet katanya cuma lemak abis ngelahirkan aja yang bisa dihilangin cepet pake barang2 itu. Kalo mau slim lagi beberapa bulan/tahun kemudian, mereka menawarkan produk yang laen. Blehhh dasar!!!

Vivi said...

Yes CE!!! read Imoet's comment and get me some!!!

hey you guys, katanya sekarang ada paket dari Marie France, 40kali perawatan for only Rp.4jt. that's not so bad!!

The usual treatment post-birth is around 3jt. and like cici said, usually marie france was like more than 10jt (which I won't do if it's that expensive)...

what do you think? should I go for it? I mean, it is for my body, I should learn to care for it while I'm still young rite?????


Of course I still do exercise too... (which by the way, it's great, been back on track the past week and combine with detox I found out I lost another 1KG today....yay!!!! - well, still like, 9 KG to go, but still....)

cici said...

kalo paket biasa bukan buat orang habis melahirkan, Novita dulu itu carae dibebet gitu ce pas d marie france...trus dee dibikin keringetan...pake apa ya...lilin kalo nggak salah...

The Diva said...

HAAA CHIKI, I love chiki balls cheese flavour!! Hahahaha...

hmm try out all Shierly Imoet's advice, but I gotta tell you don't put your hopes too high.
When she was pregnant, I was BIGGER and FATTER than her... Vi, do you remember my friend Hartanti, the skinny tall girl who got pregnant then gave birth and back to be skinny just as if she was "plembungan -- melembung balon, trus balon meletus, kempes lagi" ???

Yeah Shierly is pretty much that kind.

So don't take her too seriously. Some of us in this world are just not as talented and blessed to have such impressive body that maintains itself, hahahahaha. (sorry Shier, but it's sadly true!!!)

My point is, go lose your 9kgs, but if it doesn't work as impressively as you expected it to be, don't get too intimidated by others who somehow manages to be as sexy as a MILF could be (quoting American Pie, MILF = Mother I'd Love to F*** hahahha)

Take it easy, ok?

Vivi said...

gee, thanks for the support sheila...hehehehe...

well, of course I know Imoet's body is like my older sister....never seems to gain weight (my older sister's way f dieting is taking a nap. she lost 3KG that way, I still remember)

but I'm not losing hope...yet...I want to see this month's progress. then in early December if I'm still unhappy, I'LL WHINE some more...

vini said...

aku gak tau maksud imoet seh, tapi i`ll find out. btw, chiki jek ada rasa kaldu ayam and chocolate? aduh aku ya pingin makan, rasane chiki itu seng paling enak!!!

Vivi said...

chiki ada rasa kaldu ayam sama coklat. tapi yang paling langka memang rasa keju...