Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Felicia...at sixteen months!

Yesterday Felicia was exactly 16 months young....

But I didn't get to see her until 8:30 pm since I have to work overtime, and Lawrence is also away to India until the end of the week (but will be back in town just in time for Valentine!! -- not that we have any special plan...)

Anyway, Just few days ago I woke up in the morning and when I saw Felicia, I realized that my lil daughter is getting prettier!!! hihihi....she is, truly.  I love the way her face lit up when she smile, the sparkle in her eyes can brightened my day anytime!.

She learns so many new words, she can pronounce my name perfectly: "Vivi", not pipi.  She sometimes called me like that, "Vivi!!" instead of "mama" hihihi....her naughty dad tought her that, and my mom encouraged her sometimes....I honestly don't mind, because she only said it when she was teasing me while playing Peek A Boo...only this time she did the hiding behind the door then said "Baaa!!" to me and if I didn't notice her, she'd said "Vi!!" hehehehe....And when I asked her what's her dad's name, she answered, "Ming (M)ing"

Last time I asked her, "Felicia, how old are you?"  and she said, "Dua!"  I tried to correct her, saying that she's only one year old, but she wouldn't have it.  

Then I asked her again, "Felicia, mau adik?"  She was quiet for a while, then said, "Mau".  I'm not so sure if she knows what is the meaning of "Adik", so I asked her, "Felicia, Adik kalo nangis gimana?"  She said, "Oek oek".  "Jadi Felicia mau adik ya?"  "Iya"  and at that time, she's not even 16 months yet!!!

She can also said (Se)peda, Tu(r)un, Tas, Hat, Buang, Ambi(l), (Em)peng, Cucu, Mo wes....And she's now in that stage where if she didn't get what she wants, she'd screamed till your ear hurts.  

I tried to teach her to say "No!" if she doesn't like something.  However, usually she only remembered to say "No!" (complete with waving her index finger, copying me when I told her "No!") only after she screamed her lungs out.

I'm teaching her to say "Please" now, but not yet successful, although if she's in a good mood, she'd automatically said "S(hi)e  S(hi)e" if her nanny gave her something she asked (her pacifier, her toys)

She also LOVES high-fiving us hehehehe....but this is purely based on her mood.  She has no particular reasons or under no special circumstances...I think she considered it a game...in which when the nanny didn't high-fiving her on time, she'll smack her nanny instead....

Another favorite past time is to push one of the plastic chair around, and lifting the other...her nanny once said, "Felicia, jangan diangkat, nggak kuat" and she looked pretty much incensed at the suggestion that she's not strong enough that she said "kuat!" while lifting the chair to prove it.

She can't take "No!" for an answer though, we have to explain to her why she can't go to the front terrace after dark, why I can't let her walk (because she hasn't put on her shoes yet), and she'd think about it for a while and only then she agreed.

Oh, and my daughter now is trying to deceive us!!! I should not be proud of this trait, but it never cease to amaze me!!.  It happened first time when she threw up one day and I took her to a doctor and he prescribed a medicine.  The next day while she's playing on her bed, her nanny and I told her that it was time to take her medicine, and immediately, she hugged her "guweng
" -- guling--. and said, "Tatuk, tatuk" -- ngantuk, ngantuk.  

I thought it was funny and just a rare event, but then she applied that to my mom when she's giving her dinner, and fooled her!  My mom stopped giving her dinner and asked my nanny to change her clothing, ready for her bed.  

My mom told me that Felicia's sleepy and she didn't finish her dinner.  Of course I told her about the other day incident, so now when Felicia claimed to be "Tatuk" during her meal, her nanny and my mom knows better.  And rightly so, immediately after she finished her meal, she'd asked for her favourite toy, "(Th)omas!!

Yup, despite the plenty of stuffed animals she has and enjoys playing with occasionally, and despite my efforts to introduce her to Barbie (which she couldn't care less), she's now quite obsessed with Thomas & His Friends.

She's frantic and kept picking up the plenty Thomas toys in the stores and she looked quite unsure when both her hands were full but she saw another Thomas toys that she'd love to have.  She kept pointing out "Thomas!!" to Lawrence and me and giggling...

Already she got two almost identical Thomas (one is bigger than the other and the bigger one can roll his eyes!!), and three Thomas CDs.  I got her the CD after she kept whining after the Thomas episodes finished in the cable TV.

I know, I spoil her.  

Can't help it though, it breaks my heart when she said "uuuuuuu....." and her nose and eyes are getting red...

Anyhow, she loves Thomas so much that when we asked her to copy Thomas rolling his eyes, She did!! Well, not rolling her eyes, only blinking repeatedly...

Oh, and she also know how to handle a pen, she'd asked to "Tuwis
" -- Tulis -- and then grab the pen, and if she's holding too far from the tip, she'd adjust her hand and starts scribbling on the paper.  

She also knows "phone
"  and always pretends as if she's talking with someone, only she's holding the phone backward, and she'd say "(H)alo ... iya..." and proceed with the intelligent baby talks I don't quite understand -- I'm not that smart, but she's a genius!! hehehehe....

I've decided to send her to school when she's 2 years old, a pre-school/nursery school, but have not quite made up my mind between a Montessori School and another school associated with FunGates

Both use English and neither offer program in Chinese (at least not the FunGates here in Indonesia), but I believe Felicia would do just fine learning Chinese in kindergarten later on.  Another school, Surabaya Children Academy, offered both Chinese and English, but it was so far away on the other side of the city.  Their closer branch is not so good i think.

Anyhow...have started to blabber here....

I'll ask Ming to post the pictures later on...as for now...I really have to start earning my salary instead of writing blogs and reading e-books during office hour!!

1 comment:

The Diva said...

Hahaha GO FELICIA, who cares about the Barbies?? They're just plastic, just like most of those pretty and Barbie-looking girls out there!!!
hahaha another fan of Thomas eh? I thought Thomas is just for boys. What's so good about the story???

She's gotten so big and clever. I still have a picture of me holding her when she's still a baby... and now she can already ask for a little sibling, hahahahaha...