Thursday, February 19, 2009

Glimpse of Married LIfe (Husband Perspective)

explanation: actions written between * are done in my head and not to be known by persons outside

Incident 1 (aka trap question 1):

V: Honey, do I look fat to you?
M: errr..... *glance over to make sure*.... of course not honey.... *prays that the delay in answering is just enough so it doesn't sound like automatic defense mechanism was activated*...
V: awwwww.... so sweet!
M: *whew, passed this time!*

Incident 2 (aka trap question 2):

V: Honey, do you love me?
M: errr.... *appears to think the answer carefully* .... of course honey..... *prays that the delay in answering is just enough so it doesn't sound like automatic defense mechanism was activated*...
V: awwwww.... so sweet!
M: *whew, passed this time!*

Incident 3 (aka trap question 3):

V: Honey, how can you be sure that you picked the right person when you chose me? Are you sure that I'm the one for you? (or anything that resembles this statement in spirit)
M: errr.... *appears to think the answer carefully* .... of course honey..... *prays that the delay in answering is just enough so it doesn't sound like automatic defense mechanism was activated*...
V: awwwww.... so sweet!
M: *whew, passed this time!*

Incident 4:
please look at Incident 1

Incident 5:
please look at Incident 2

Incident 6:
please look at Incident 3

Incident 7:
rinse and repeat

Incident 8:
repeat the rinsing

Incident 9:
you get the idea
and so on and so forth, the terrorized life of a husband ever so fearful of that wrong answer....

The names mentioned in this story are purely fictional and any resemblance to any real persons MUST BE incidental. This story is just that, a story with no historical basis and should be treated as such. M stands for Mars and V stands for Venus, you know, those planets orbiting the sun, yay!


1 comment:

Vivi said...

as many women will agree, sometimes asking these questions are not a matter of security or lack thereof, instead, it is just a matter of wanting to well...(for not being able to translate it in English...) manja - manja gitu lho....