Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Gong Xi!! ... full account on the Lunar New Year 2009's Tour of Duty...

Yesterday we celebrated the much anticipated yet dreaded event: The Lunar New Year...

The celebration started on Sunday night, when we gathered for the New Year's Eve dinner party at Kowloon with my dad in law's families...I brought Felicia as well, and it soon became obvious that she's the most active toddler in the hood....She walked around, she tried to follow where other kids are doing (including going to the stage), she danced when she saw the barongsai, she screamed when Ming won't give her sampler of the first dish (to the amusement of Ming's cousins...)

Speaking of cousins, I still haven't remembered all the cousins name from Ming's dad's side...come to think of it, I don't remember the name of all the uncles/aunts from his side...then there are their respective wives/husbands...then their children (Uncle N, does he have four or three children, that dude over there, i've seen him several times, whose child is he?  Uncle X or Aunt Y??)  then their children's spouses...then their grandchildren...FYI, my dad in law is from a family of 9 brothers and sisters...(my mom in law has 10 siblings, my mom has 7 siblings, three of them has dearly departed) and for the brothers, their names all start with Wen-something..., oh but I do have to mention that three of them has distinctive (nick)name: Hong Kong Uncle (because he lives in Hong Kong), Bagong (because...I'm not sure why actually...) and the oldest brother, who everybody called the Great Ogre behind his back.  I'm not going to speculate why.

Anyway, after the night of celebration, the next morning we started the Tour of Duty from my parents in law's house where we had the traditional misoa breakfast at 10 am.  My parents in law have quite a big fish pond and also keep a pair of chicken at the back of the house.  That was the first time Felicia saw a chicken, and Felicia's laughing when she saw the chicken's antiques and heard the noises that chicken usually made.  Oh, and she enjoyed going up and down the stairs and loved the elevator ride as well...

Then we went to my mom in law's family.

Although I'm much more familiar with her family than my dad in law's family (one of Ming's cousins from mom side actually got married with the daughter of my dad's cousin), there's still that confusion over how to call who...leave it to the chinese to have every name for each different relationship; they won't settle for Aunt or Uncle, the way you called your dad's older sister is different from the way you called your dad's younger sister and both cannot be applied to your mom's younger or older sister, which have their own way of calling.  There's Giu Nyong, I'ie, Wa'i...and so forth....I have to practically whispered to ko Ming Ming and ask, "So, how should I call that aunt in red and white shirt..." and so forth...

Anyway, after a very brief visit (which is actually last for 45 minutes), which includes an obligatory KiongHi/GongXi, dividing angpaos and receiving angpaos on Felicia's behalf, plus tasting the feast, we said our goodbyes and headed to my parents.

Since my sisters are not in town, and since my grandmother (who used to live with us) has passed away, my parents are only expecting my family.  So lunch is more subdued, though my dad's younger brother did come for a visit and Cici's boyfriend, who's from a holland sprechen background also stopped by.  Which is very nice of him.  I can see plainly that he's very uncomfortable coz he's never been to such visit, and there's only my dad who accompanied him.  and my mom.  not exactly how a 21 year old guy would imagine spending a holiday.  

So the effort is well noticed and appreciated, Aldo ;)

Anyway, after the lunch in my parents' house, we all drove to my granddad from my dad's side home.  well, not exactly his home, rather my cousin's home where my granddad stayed during his visit in Surabaya.  This would be the first time he saw my Felicia, his great-granddaughter, as he has been in central java in the past two years.  Felicia made a great impression as usual.  She is really not afraid of the dog there, and in fact when the dog hid under a chain, she tried to reach him, coaxed him out and gave something to him.  The dog is bigger than our poms and reach her chest, but she's not afraid at all...

Anyways, after that visit, we took a deep breath, and went home at 2:15 pm.

All of us got a nice, long nap, and when we woke up, it's already 6pm.  We took a shower and got ready for the last visit to my mom's family.  

We gathered in our Aking's house (that's how we called the wives of my uncles from my mom's family side, which is different from how the wives from Ming's uncles from Ming's family side).  Felicia met my cousin's daughter, who's two months younger, and have a very pretty eyes.  She extended her hands when I asked her too, but Karen didn't want to shake hands with Felicia...or perhaps she doesn't understand yet.  For the first ten minutes, they became the centre of the attentions, since last year both of them are only babies who's doing nothing but sleeping and crying and now they're babies who started walking, managed to make a mess out of everything, screaming, and cooing baby talks.  

Then more cousins arrive, more uncles and aunts, my cousins' cousin, and my cousins' fiances/girlfriends, my cousins's children and their respective boyfriends/girlfriend and so forth...

Surprisingly, this time, they really do not have something bad to say.  Which is weird since last year they still managed to comment on my weight, Felicia's (lack of) hair and nose.  But this year, they are all very well-behaved I must say.  

Anyway, one thing that my mom's family know how to do it right is how to make the spicy sauce.  Which is the most anticipated dish really.  I think that if Ming's family is what you'd call a Totok Family, mine is leaning toward peranakan, so the dishes are more decidedly indonesian.

Starving as we were, we're waiting patiently until the Sambal is ready, served in a huge cowek in the middle ( I should have took pictures!!).  It was Sambal Terasi Terong, with just the right degree of spiciness that can make you sweat just enough and sent tingling sensation to heightened your senses.

Anyway....after the dinner and desert (es puter), we went home, and so ended the holiday which is more like a hard working day for us.  

Now...as usual, a couple of days before the celebration, all wives would sit down and distribution the angpao's money, and by the end of the celebration, all moms sit down and start counting money and so was I.  And this year, I don't actually need to count to know that I may actually lose money: the money I gave away is far more than the money I received.  But it is really not a bad thing, I actually felt sincerely pleased because I know that the money I gave away is for our parents and grandparents.  The money I gave away for cousins and cousins's children have significant returns I must say hahahahhaa....

Felicia got a lot of angpao, far more than Ming and I used to get, but since she's still 16 months, to my dismay she usually threw away the red envelopes once she received them.  She also refused to do Gongxi although she knows how.  

But in overall, we're happy to see how much she learnt and how much she has grown and how she's interacting with other people (she's the boss, and she makes sure everyone knows it).  

In overall, it has been a good visits, especially since Ming has decided to cooperate and only one time he asked me why we're doing this ( I said because we have to, and decided not to respond when he wailed "But why??").

I was also ready to go to my mom's family celebration at night alone with my parents, but he gamely joined us, which is a pleasant surprise indeed.

Now I was thinking if next year would be easier if we bail to Singapore....(could be cheaper too!!) ...   


cici said...

nooo...NOOO... singapore is VERY SILENT during the Chinese New year, believe me... i swear i has to be in indonesia next year and celebrate it with our big family (i dont even care anymore if they talk bad things about me)

kayak kota mati ce singapore pas chinese new year itu...mall, restoran, toko semua tutup...jalan2 yg biasae rame, lengang pol...

eh anyway...thanks for your comment about aldo, and also thanks for the hong bao =)

The Diva said...

Gong Xi to you, Ming and Felicia too!!! Hope the year of ox will bring joy, luck and prosperity!

Hahahahaha I know somebody who will comment with pleasure.
It's a common celebration among Chinese family, although I'm surprised that you're still doing it full-version, hard-core way!

Vivi said...

My mom has been telling us for the past three years that she'd go out of town just to avoid the whole thing come the following lunar new year, but of course in the end, she won't and can't.

Yes, it's still rather "hardcore" as you put it, but you know even while my mom is quite relaxed in the whole "tradition" issues, she can be quite horrified if our cousins who are in town did not even make the effort to show up.

It's completely acceptable to attend very briefly and not getting to meet everyone because you have to go somewhere (such as your other relative's house), but not to show up at all...well, then you're branded as insufferable, arrogant relative and would surely receive sarcasm and cold shoulders for the next family gathering. and they're not going to be so subtle themselves.

so, deciding to join the whole madness is the lesser of two evils.

vini said...

i have to admit that i miss the trash mouth thing...no fun without it hehehehe.....update the pics please. japan celebrates new year on jan 1. i almost forget about it. im glad mom called and reminded me. afterall, i am chinese (though not admitted here and there hehehehe). keito is japanese, i should show off his passport when i have time.

Martin_Mayer said...

Well, firstly a (belated) happy new year; You are gladly invited to Europe for next years new year, since I kind of pity you for THIS kind of stress...
This is kind of scary! I guess that´s why you invited me to reading this - my (extended!) family consists of a total of about 12 persons, and thats already enough for my taste. I´d end up calling everyone "Tante" & "Oom" (unless someone gives me a bule-proof introduction in chinese names, titles and cultures). I´ll gladly plan for a day of training with you in March though...

vini said...

its better to give than receiving for in giving we actually receiving-mother theresa. its better to pay than be paid, to choose than be chosen-some korean drama.

Vivi said...

Well Martin, since Sheila's family seem to be holland sprechen rather than Totok or Peranakan, I think it's perfectly acceptable to call Tante and Om to all the involved Aunts and Uncles.

And since you're not a relative and obviously not chinese, it's perfectly acceptable to call everyone in our parents' generation Ayi and Shu(k). For example, to my parents. But then again, Sheila's been calling my mom Tante for years, and that's acceptable too.

Only one rule apply for you, and that is never, never ever, call anyone older than you on first name basis.

I won't want to be there when you greet Sheila's mom, "Hi Sian, how are you?" . Well actually, that would be interesting to see.

Anyhow, thank you for the invitation. I hope one day I can have that perfect escape. Unfortunately, my parents would disowned me if I do that. Unless of course, if I brought them along. And my in laws.

But then, the idea of escaping to Europe with my parents and parents in law is not so pleasant anymore hehehehee....

And for Cici...well, probably we should all go to Japan then....stayed in Ce Vini's house, making a mess during the stay, hair falling everywhere, shoeprints on the wood floor, cooking with brambang....you know, the usual stuffs....

Remember Ce Vini, it is better to receive ...

vini said...

o no...