Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Personal Projects

I can't believe within the last 24 hours, I have found two projects, call it, my new "Dream" that would surely occupy me in the next twenty four....MONTHS!!!

Or maybe more.

The first one is to finally remodel the pavillion room from the current half-storage stage (where our boxes of books kept piling up and unused gifts we received for Felicia's birth kept stacking).

I have started by buying bookshelves yesterday, and continue monthly as I will equip it with a nice comfy, lazy joe chair, and add some decorations. This is due to my limited budget of course, I can't splurge everything at once :P

The next project is......I'd like to call it, Silk Road-ing with Me Dad.

Yup, Ladies and gentlemen, I plan to go to China with my Dad. I guess the Europe trip must wait. again. I suppose this would mean saving as much as possible every month for the next 24 months, since this year my dad will have to go to Japan to accompany my sister who's about to give birth.

But no matter. It will be great. I should have done this before I'm married; it's simpler that way. But there's never too late to want to spend time with your parents, right?

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