Sunday, February 3, 2008

Knowledge is Power

says an ancient Chinese proverb (or is it Chinese?? but who cares) and this is one of the proverb that I take to heart. It is important to know, of yourself, of other people, of the places you visit, of how people do things, of many things and everything and it starts with yourself. You have to want to know and once you do, its power become apparent. You enjoy the places you visit more (because you know the background story), you gauge and interact with people better (because you can read them and know if they are fake or not), you do things better and/or faster than other people (because you know how to do it and how it works) etc etc. And it's the best when you can shove it up other people's ass so there is nothing else they can say or do when you tell them that it is so and that they will just have to take it (up their ass). Ha!

Take time to read some proverbs and learn its lessons, they are pure knowledge (the Bible is another very good source too).



A proverb to ponder:
Beware of the man who laughs but whose belly doesn't move - Cantonese Proverb


vini said...

ok ppl....enough the chit chat here (i know you would say...hey, its our blog!!!)....PICTURES say words more...

Lord Steiner said...

True. Knowledge is power. It makes you wonder how do you usually handle power; do you abuse it or do you use it for greater good?

In this case, do you really know the person who's dearest and most important for you? or you just assume you know them?

Vivi said...

sorry, that last comment from Lord Steiner is actually from me.

cici said...

erghhh...I dont get it... ^^"

should read more smart english books, I guess.. .