Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Updates...for real

I ended up writing review instead of giving updates on my earlier post....

Oh well, what is there to say...

An overblown disagreement with mom means that she refused to call me the past couple of days.  The good thing about this is, it sorts of give me a breather from the daily 2 - 3 calls she made.  My concentration at work is not disrupted by a "very important" phone calls that 8 out 10 turns out to be SO not important but I keep taking because of that 2 out of 10 incident.

The bad news is, well, eventually, within a day or two, or perhaps a week, I will eventually have to play the dutiful daughter and make peace with her.  It gets tiring because we never discuss it or reach solutions for it, rather we just shelve it hoping out of sight meaning out of mind.  

I suppose I just should enjoy the peaceful days I have right now.

Second, my cold is getting better, but not yet fully recovered

Then, earlier this week, something about my work makes me love it again, and I got totally excited about coming to work: I woke up 6 am today can couldn't go back to sleep thinking about work, so I turn on the computer and start early from home.  Then as soon as it came, it's also gone: At the moment I felt quite helpless, there's just too much never ending problems, it's like being an editor of weekly magazine, not only do I have to solve last minute problems of this week shipment, but also plans for the next one...when will it ever endddddd?????

Next month Felicia will start her school at new school.  I'm a bit nervous because I don't know how she would react to it.  The first weeks will be tough with separation anxiety and all of that, hey, she's not yet 3 years old.  

Ming is also doing great.  We have comfortable routine, and manage to have our own, separate time at home, which is very important when you work at the same place with your husband and meet him 24/7.  

and that's about it folks!



The Diva said...
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vini said...

lo opo o kok dihapus?