Thursday, December 18, 2008

Good Morning!

Kemarin akhirnya ku bersih bersih laci meja took longer than expected, tapi memang dicicil mulai dari jam 9:30 pm sambil nonton DVD House Bunny...

Dari total 4 laci, sampah nya menuhi 2 tong sampah! expected, so many card bills from a year ago, restaurant receipts from TWO years ago, expired credit card/membership cards account statments from months ago, the hotel receipt of Omni Saigon Hotel from last May... Disneyland entrance tickets from three years ago which I originally planned to keep but now failed to see why and decided to throw them away...

But, I also did find some treasures...about SGD$60, some Turkish Liras, few Vietnamese Dong, hospital receipt from when I gave birth to Felicia, USG pictures of Felicia when she's just appeared as a dot on the screen...Felicia's blood category card which was taken shortly after she's born...(A+, same as me!), ...Ming's junior highschool, senior highschool ID Cards... (OMG He looks SO SO SO SO CUTEEEEE!!!!!!) ... Allianz Investment Card, which is one of the benefit from the previous company I worked for.  I realized that I still have a very small amount of fund left there (around Rp. 300 rb in 2004), and mentioned that it'll expire in 2036 with my younger sister as beneficiary!  I even forgot I named her my beneficiary!! ahahahaha....

Anyway, I finished the clean up around midnight, but I still have some cupboards and more drawers to clean today...

I woke up around 5:30 this morning, helped sweeping the floors of my living/family room until 6:00 am, then Felicia woke up and I played with her for 15 minutes while her nanny took a shower.  

She's a real fast learner...I told her, "Felicia, be careful ya....nanti jatuh"  and she said, "ja tuh!"  she's copying almost everything she heard, Wak!! (from when my mom called my dad by his first name) Cin!! (from when I told my mom that if Felicia heard her Nai Nai called her Yei Yei by his first name, "Cin!" then Felicia would copy her; of course as soon as I shut my mouth, Felicia said, "Cin!") Maem! Yei Yei! No no no no! 

Then of course, if I said,"Felicia cannnnn...."  She would continue "thikkkk!"

And if I said, "Felicia naa....." She would say "Khall!" Then I'd say, "Lho, Felicia Nakal ya?" to which she'd reply "GAK!" ihihihii....

My mom also loves to trick her, saying, "Felicia anak'e Bo..." "Bo!"....but then if I remind her by asking "Felicia anake sapa?"  then she'd answer right away "Papa!"  Oh yeah, she can also said, "Tiek Tiek! "  (it's how she called my dad) carried away...I should have shared stories about my morning...hehehe...

Anyway, after her nanny's done, aku mulai ngelap-ngelap meja rias, bedside tables, meja TV di kamar, some statuettes, my favorite Lladro's pair of dove, which is one of my favorite wedding gifts, photo frames...

Then around 6:30, ko Ming woke up, so I can tidy up the bed (he helped! OMG!), then took a shower, got ready, and sweeping up the floor...

Oh, and today, my mom's friend, who's a Domestic Helper agent, lend one of the TKW for me until the end of this month (in January she'll go to Taiwan).  My mom drove her to my house, and the first thing she said when she met me is, "Cao An, Ce!"...I was like, wth?!!!!!

Anyway, it's just temporary, but was kinda pleasantly surprised...especially when we're going and I told her, "Dyna, pergi dulu ya, ati ati dirumah..." and she said, "Xiao Xin, Ce!"  and I was dumbfounded...what is Xiao Xin????  

My nanny laughed like nuts and told her, "Nonik e itu ngomong jowo-an!" embarrased, but I manage to say a weak Thanks, and told her to teach my nanny and speak with my baby Chinese!!!!

I'm so pathetic huh?

Anyway, today as I said, I plan to clean some more parts of the cupboards/drawers...and tomorrow, I want to wake up half an hour early...who knows...I may be able to do some sports!!! hahahahaha......

Well, honestly, I felt better the past couple of days, having to wake up early and did some physical activities...I felt more refreshed, and though the first 15 minutes in the office I was sleepy, at least I didn't feel exhausted as I always did...isn't it interesting?

Oh well, gotta go back to work now...


vini said...

xiao xin means b careful.

The Diva said...

hehehe go learn Chinese with your new TKW as long as she's there!!!

(Namane kok keren, Dyna???)