We went to the Peak yesterday, taking the bus because the tram was under maintenance. At 427m above sea level tt is provides a very good view of the Hong Kong harbor. Unfortunately due to the cold and strong winds, we didn't really stay there for long. But definetely somewhere to re-visit in the future.
It's coooooooold at The Peak!!
View from the Peak
vi kamu nek difoto situ isa puersis ambek mamamu hihihi(no offense ya, tapi at one point in our lives kita harus ngakui that we inherit something from our beloved mommies).
wes pulang dari HK blom?
hahahaha...actually, I'm fine with that. I suppose I do look like her.
I was back from Hong Kong on Tuesday with high fever and sore throat, got injection in Hong Kong and referral letter from the doctor in case they don't allow me to fly. but I was so sick again once I got home that basically I've been doing nothing but sleeping on Wednesday and Thursday.
Am still having sore throat now, but fever is gone so am back at the office...
org2 bilang aku mirip papa, tapi nek tak liat2, benere aku mirip mama lo. menurut atsushi (which i always STRONGLY deny since it is absolutely anything else but the truth), watakku mirip puol mbek mamaku!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! how can he say such a lie to this sweet lil angel (im talking about me heere)???!!! how dare he???!!!!!
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