Monday, March 3, 2008

Hello.....HONG KONG!!

We arrived today in Hong Kong to a sunny yet cool weather. The airport is unbelievably crammed and it was the longest line I've ever been in any countries. I suppose since tomorrow is the start of the annual Hong Kong Jewellery Show, people have been coming in on last minute today. There's an Iranian in front of me, Turkish behind me, Japanese all over, people from Mainland China, and some other nationalities that I don't know. I had to wait I think for about almost an hour.

This is my first trip to Hong Kong in a year. I was supposed to go last year like any other year but was pregnant. So this is my second trip post-giving birth. The second trip start out easier... I didn't cry my eyes out like I did on my way to Dubai last month.

I'm now so tired, typing this from the office. Once we arrived in the office at around 4 pm local time I immediately did the inventory check for about 1.5 hour.

Then...we went to Yoshinoya!!! I missed it SO SO much. I even planned to have it Singapore last time during our transit to Dubai, but had the nastiest surprise: they moved out to God-knows-where. So after exactly 1.5 years, I finally had the opportunity to indulge myself with a large beef bowl of heavenly Yoshiyoyo (our nickname to the most beloved food)!!

I was first introduced to this amazing Japanese junk food (their McDonald, basically) in September 2005 when I first visited Hong Kong. Since then, I was hooked. During the week long business trip I took twice a year to Hong Kong, I always have AT LEAST 5 or 6 meals there. Either breakfast, or dinner.

Oh, I also tried it the one in Singapore once about 3 years ago, but that was awful. And we tried the one in Los Angeles as well, but somehow it doesn't taste as good.

It's weird that Japs think that this is actually food for the humble (read : "lower class").

Who cares lah...

Anyway, after that, we went to Ikea, Wellcome supermarket ( I left my toilettries on purpose, plan to buy them in HK), and Toys R Us and a computer shop. Now it's 10.30 in Hong Kong, 9:30 in Surabaya, and we're SO SO tired. and sleepy. yesterday we slept around 1 am and had to wake up around 5 am and left home by 6am to catch the 8:20am flight.

Tomorrow is the first day of the show, so please pray for us and wish us the best of luck (With the gold price in their US$980s and keep going up, I suspect we need all the luck and pray and best wishes and blessings we could get...).

I promise I'll post more pictures once Ming taught us how...

Right now, I'm so sleepy that I don't know what I wrote ...


The Diva said...


pantesan imelku nggak dibales, ternyata lagi di HK thooo...


Vivi said...

I received your email...but then we had to prepare for the trip, and on Sunday we spent most of the day in my in laws' house, bringing Felicia with us. She's having the time of her life, watching out of the window so intently on our way there...

vini said...

japanese is a complex society i guess. when my mother in law asked me what i wanted for lunch one day, and i said yoshinoya, she was surprised, she mindly said ok, but i didnt know that, so i was happily went to yoshinoya with her. at dinner, she told everyone that she had lunch in yoshinoya, i wondered whats so special about it. i mean ppl brag about having lunch in cloud nine or sth, but not yoshinoya i guess. i turned out that it was her first time having lunch there, and she was quiet happy luckily. she said it was good!!! huahauhauhauhauhua... but then she told me not to go there alone, since there is no japanese ladies will eat in yoshinoya. do i listen to her? what do u think???

o, japanese women also dont go to yakitori restaurant alone!! i love yakitori, and one day i went to yakitori restaurant alone. the owner was startled when i entered the restaurant and asked me what i needed. i said yakitori of course!!
everyone stared me. i felt weird. so i went home and asked what happened. turned out, japanese women dont go to yakitori alone!!!!

another thing, i had a drink like lipovitan drink, japanese version, and my director was shocked and said women drink those stuff??? you should be embarassed!!! i was so embarrassed, not because i drank those, but because he was saying in loud voice!!! turned out, japanese women dont drink those. that time, i should have talked back and asked whats wrong. why should i be embarassed, i didnt steal it.

crazy huh?????

yet, they speak about equality....