Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Going to Singapore

We are going to Singapore this weekend to attend a customer's son wedding reception. I have been to one wedding in Singapore and it is slightly more formalized compared to Indonesian ones where they will have entertainment for the guest. As the customer is Indian, I am very interested to know how their wedding reception is like.

The gift for the happy couple, a very nice Swarovski crystal frame! (which I just found out is almost double in price when bought in Indonesia)

Things to do:
1. Take pictures of the Ritz Carlton
2. Go visit bookstores whichever is possible (Borders or Kinokuniya)
3. Go visit Yoshinoya (or Tony Roma's)


The Diva said...

4. Find a nice dress to wear on the wedding party.
5. Find a nice set of clothing to wear IN the Ritz-Carlton hotel.. dont want to walk around looking like the ugliest and out of place.
6. Find a nice souvenir for my best friend Sheila...

cici said...

7. after considering for 6 days and 7 nights, decided oredy to treat cici in tony roma's instead
8. walking-walking with cici and buy her ice kacang, olso bak kut teh and tapau it coz she'd like to know how's ritz carlton inside...wah pyang eh...damn nice
9. slap cici when she starts using singlish or jakarta accent since they're getting stronger

Lord Steiner said...

To Cici:
What makes you think that we want to meet/see you while we're there?? But I will do point #9 for free if you decide to show up



Lord Steiner said...

To the Diva:
#4. I have found in my previous experience that Singaporeans are not very flashy during their wedding reception.

#5. Probably will not be wearing anything once we get in the hotel.... And because of my wife's certain assets, I guarantee that she won't be anywhere near ugly around the other people there, bwahahah

#6. You're not my best friend (as I wrote the blog post, note the author :P). But sure, we will try to find a souvenir or two.

Vivi said...

For the Diva:
10. Decide that, just for the sake of it, will just wear an old jeans and shirt in the Ritz Carlton that's borderline to Pijama

For Cici:
11. Will do point number 9 gladly if she starts talking using "gue" and "loe". (I'm actually okay with Singlish, but the Hongky I'm with is very upset whenever I add the "....-Lah!")

12. Will meet Cici's landlady's son, who's reportedly handsome, and asked him of his intention in flirting with my sister while already has a girlfriend.

13. Meet with Cici's friend from jakarta and speak with the thickest Surabaya accent you can possibly imagine...

cici said...

14. there are a lot of things to do and a lot of places to go. I think cici manages to make us busy in order to prevent us to meet:

i. her landlady's son since cici's taste of guys is never good anyway, no point meeting him
ii. her jakarta friend since he doesnt understand javanese at all.

vini said...

ha? cici speaks loe and gue?`d better not say loe to me!!! or gue in front of me. or else #9 will apply. hiii...merinding aku mbayangno.