Monday, October 27, 2008


The most important thing for me in a house is (beside Air Condition if i stay in Indonesia) the bathroom.  Give me a sleeping bag and I can sleep peacefully.  No kitchen?  I'll be happy to get Nasi Bungkus for 25 cents.  No mirror? No Problem!

But all I want, is a decent WORKING bathroom.  It doesn't have to be sparkly clean for God's sake!

When I woke up in the morning, I need to know that a warm shower is waiting for me, that the toilet is working perfectly so I can do my both business peacefully. 

Really, is it too much to ask?!

Apparently so.  Ever since Friday, there has been problems with my water pump.  I had someone come to fix it in the morning, then it'll work for a while, then it got busted again at night.  Saturday morning he came to fix it again, then on Saturday evening it broke again.  Sunday Morning he came to fix it yet again, and .... MONDAY morning it broke again!!!

And it's not JUST the pump.  On Friday it's the pump, on Saturday it's something else, and God knows what happened that fateful Sunday night.  

And just as I thought it won't get worse, this morning, my maids filled one plastic bin full of (cold) water for me in the other bathroom, and when I was about to take a shower, a COCKROACH scurried near me.


I had the same problem when I was staying in a boarding house in Jakarta, renting an overpriced, old and insect-infested room simply because of its great location.

I thought I'm past that.  I was wrong!

That lil bug does it.  It's like the butterfly effect.  The needle on Camel's back.  

I put on my house-slipper and step on it several times with a vengeance while screaming "FUUUCCCKKKK!!!!!"  

I don't feel the slightest better, but when I finally lift my feet after taking a shower and saw it all dead and squeezed, I have to admit, a lil satisfaction and relief creeping in me.


If tomorrow morning the toilet isn't working properly, I'm renting an apartment for the week.


Lord Steiner said...


vini said...

eewwwwwww too!!!!!

cici said...

poor cockroach

The Diva said...

Good luck on the new apartment. Toilet problems? Get yourself a new toilet.

Pump problems? Get yourself a new pump.

Cockroach problems? Kill them all!!!! Or (as my German suggested) move to a cockroach-free country.

Unfortunately, these formulas DO NOT work for each problem in the world.

For example, you CANNOT get yourself a new husband if you have husband problems.
Or KILL him if you have husband problems. Or even worse, cannot move to a husband-free country when the problem still exists.

So you might want to deal with your problems wisely.


Vivi said...

My GOD Sheila! you're talking like a FIFTY-Seven year old!!!

are you SURE you're not older than me??