Saturday, April 5, 2008

The Pursuit of Happiness ... A Contemplation

Tonight i have absolutely nothing to do. Ming is busy with his game and Felicia is sleeping, and HBO is playing Colin Farrel's worst movie, Miami Vice, in which he looks more like a pimp than the heartthrob he's supposed to be.

Anyway, since having nothing to do, my mind starts to wonder and I guess reading Sheila's blogs, made me starts thinking about relationships and life...

For once, I can't help but thinking, why is it that parents do things that are hurtful for their children in the name of happiness or what's best for them or the greater good?

Being a parent myself, am I bound to do that to my daughter?

Is it something that can't be help? like sneezing?

Why do parents presume to know more than their children? Why is it that parents tend to discount their children's sense of being?

Felicia, only 5 months now, is a completely different and independent entity. Meaning that she has feeling of her own, she has her own sets of character. One day, she will become a grown woman, who can think for herself and whose values and judgment I have to respect and recognized.

As a parent, all I want is for her to be happy. I want her to grow up to be a strong, independent, smart, God-fearing (something I've failed more than often...sadly...), and beautiful inside out woman. and I suppose that's my task as a mum, bringing her up like that.

But then, I realize that there will be one time when her definition of happiness will not be the same as mine.

She may not want to work for the company, she may not want to be a doctor (basically, that's about the other future I want for her if she doesn't like the family's business) ... and, she may want to marry someone I don't like.

I've always told Sheila that I will not come between my daughter and her love. My mum always let us, her daughters, decide our own future, whom we should marry. She has no objections as to my sister's wedding with a japanese man. and though my dad is a bit more conservative, in the end, he always leave it up to us. If my younger sister found a nice man with a good job, good future and good family background, I'm sure they don't mind, even if he's a bule (though my dad would not be too excited about it...)

But, what if one day my daughter came home bringing a man she loves: a handsome, sweet, nice guy, a gentleman with good family and a good and steady job and even very smart that he can be a valuable addition to the company, with only one thing: he's a pribumi? (I even took a split second time out knocking my laptop three times as I typed it).

Will I be as warm and welcoming? or will I start saying, :"Jangan mau kalo pergi sama [orang pribumi] ya. Mama kan udah bilang, Mama nggak suka lho kalo kamu dapat [orang pribumi]. Kulturnya beda. Semuanya beda. Nggak cocok. Kamu harus nurut kalo Mama bilang. Jangan pacaran-pacaran sama orang luar nggak jelas semua."

Will I refuse to even consider the possibility that he is actually a good guy and that they both suit each other? Will I think that my daughter is just in "a bad and unsuitable environment" and ask her to stop hanging out with her friends? or will I start seeing the whole thing as my failure as her mum??

I've always thought that I would never come between my daughter and her happiness. That I would have the least inclination of breaking someone's neck if he breaks my daughter's heart.

But what if, the one that's making my daughter cried is me?

Will my heart be big enough to let her pursue her own happiness?

I realize now that sometimes, we're asking our parents too much. I start to understand my mom's fuss on my younger sister; still single and at university. Will she get a good job? Will she get a good husband? I start to see that sometimes our response, "Mum, trust us. We know what we're doing", is barely enough to lessen our mum's worries.

I know now that my mom wants the best for us; I mean, i know that before, but just starts to truly realize it after I become a mum myself.

And around the same time with that, I realize what's wrong with my mum that annoys me so much. She can never stop worrying. Just like I can never stop worrying about my Felicia.

hhh...if only this job comes with a clear job description and a hand book, like "Dummy's Guide on Being A Mom: How to React When Your Kid Falls In Love With Someone You Hate?" or "How to Make Your Daughter Do What You Want and Love You Still?"

Anyways...tired typing now..better be off to bed....


The Diva said...

I've left a longer comment on your e-mail.

cant bother to retype here now... hehehe.

vini said...

i love this post.

hey, parents DO know more than us.
take it for example. as i`ve told you before, i think that germany is save, had i ignore my mom`s advice to be careful, maybe i would be the one who lost money during the exhibition. now that i know that exhibition is not save, i will definitely advice my kids to be careful if they attend exhibition. they may think, come on mom, it was 2007!!! its 2030 now, the security system is different bla bla bla....but really, the security system will be different, and so will the thief and their methods!!!! thats why, no matter what, listen to your parents!!!!!! they DO know more than you. after all, they live longer than you!

well, i will be stricker to my kids` future spouse in terms of family backgrounds etc. definitely, only chinese and japanese are ok. no other race. of course, family backgrounds, no cheating, mistresses, debts, disease nor divorce in the family.
these values, i will implant them since they are young. however, in the end, it will be their lives, (i shouldnt write this part: and if i dont like what they do, i will just cut the tie and make them pay their TOTAL expenses.)

but i am so thankful that i, i understand what my parents like to have in their future son in law, and i completely go with it :) i think i would say, use your brain more than your heart!!

Vivi said... that why you want to list ALL the expenses you've paid for your baby Ce???

anyway, it's rather difficult to eliminate mistress and divorce in the extended family. I mean, didn't you remember OUR family history? Our cousin was imprisoned, our uncle in balikpapan is a crook.

As for the one from Mum's side, remember our crazy cousin who told her son to climb the fence of our house at night, bringing knife, threatening our grandma? what a nutcase!


vini said...

i dont remember having such family...

The Diva said...

What's wrong with non Chinese-Japanese race?

And how could you tell if one has mistress or not?
Or has disease or not, which in many cases, inevitable?

And why say in the end, it's their lives if you've written down their paths from the very beginning?

Sorry Ce Vini, can't help it... hahahaha...

vini said...

hehehehe...thats all right sheila. your comment is nicer than i expected. nothing is wrong with non japanese and chinese. im not a racist. its just a preference (or perimeter i should say).

how can i tell of mistresses? rumors. rumors are not 100% true, but they wont exist without a spark.

i dont write their lives, i dream of their future.

in the end sheila, what you said is true. what i said here, are just words game :P

Vivi said...

Dad's older sister's son was imprisoned, his brother Chung is a crook.

Mum's older sister's daughter is the nutcase.

they do share same dna with us y'know, though we have disowned them hahahaha

Lord Steiner said...

"How to Make Your Daughter Do What You Want and Love You Still?"

Answer: There is no such thing, for this purpose, a dog will be more appropriate than a human being

Also most parents know what they know by experience, which might or might not apply to the situation that we are in. I always say that as parents, they have the rights to always tell me what they think and I have a DUTY to listen and consider what they said (NOT to obey). What I do then based on all these information is then my own risk and responsibility. What irked me are parents (and most people) who assume that they know it all, while they dont, because they fail to see the whole issue and instead choose to view it from their own narrow vision (and then become patronizing, bah!)

For Vivi's last comment about the nutty DNA family, well, I will reserve my comments for the moment....




Lord Steiner said...

must...... resist.... to fix..... grammatical errors.....spelling errors..... aaaaaah....

Vivi said...



vini said... shouldnt write the disowned family member here. it has nothing to do with us anymore.
i believe in our genes.

ans mr. steiner...listen to your wife (quoted: shut..up)