I actually have arrived from Seoul last Monday, but only did get the chance to write today. No photos as usual. Not because there isn't any, but because am not sure when I can make Ming to finally sit down and post it here.
Anyways, on our first day in Seoul, we took a walk across the Coex to go to the Bong Eun temple, only to find that it's so cold that my legs went all dried and had an unnatural white stocking-like shade! I suppose it's never good to venture outside to a windy and chilly temperature of 10C in 3/4 pants and short sleeves with only thin cardigans.
We went to have our first meal in the restaurant right next to the temple and found nasty surprise number two: it's damn expensive!! a meal for two cost us 50,000 won! that's roughly Rp. 500,000!!!
The next four days we spent at the events was quite good actually, the food are good though only lil less expensive. Breakfast of McDonalds, lunch and dinner normally cost around 90,000 won for three (we have to cover our interpreter's lunch, and how can i not buy the drinks as well?) I learned to avoid having galbi if I want to save some money (though unknowingly, i have shamelessly requested Galbi when Jun Sung asked what I want for dinner in the first day...)
The show was promising, we found what we're looking for, met some contacts we're trying to get, and in overall, it's safe to say that it wasn't a waste of time.
I met my brothers, Jun Sung and Ted. I had great time with them, just catching up, telling old stories, missing our days in Vancouver, agreeing that life, despite our happier circumstances in our personal lives (Jun Sung with his family and 20 months young daughter Jane, me and my Mink and my Felicia, Ted and his 2 years girlfriend), it S.U.C.K.S hehehehee....
Well... I suppose that's it.
I can't use computer for long now, Ming's demanding to use it for his daily gaming sessions, my coworkers from HK office are coming soon and I haven't taken a shower, so i'd better be off anyway.
Oh, tomorrow, I'm off to Saigon, wish me luck there!
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Welcome to Seoul, Korea!
We arrived tonight at 9:00 pm in Incheon International Airport to a cool, pouring rain night. The weather is around 11 C, which is quite a nasty surprise for me, since I expect it to be hot at the beginning of May, I didn't bring any coat, not even scarf.
I mean, it was humid hot in Hong Kong, so I didn't even buy any coat there for Korea, expecting it to be at least the same temp. But it was a hot 28C there and half of that here.
Oh well...
We took number 11B bus from the airport to COEX Intercontinental Hotel in Seoul, which costs us 14,000 Won each person one way, which is WAY cheaper than the 140,000 Won the hotel charge for hotel pick up.
There were only three of us on the bus, Ming, me and another guy who stopped at Imperial Palace hotel. The bus is actually quite comfortable, the seat is certainly more comfortable than the economy class at Cathay (no business upgrade this time :P). The driver is polite (he bowed before he drove!!) and the trip is practically traffic free.
We arrived at the hotel around 11:30 pm, and the hotel is nice. I mean, you can't compare it with Grand Hyatt Dubai or Ritz Carlton Singapore, but like Ming said, since this time we actually have to pay for it and not being treated by our customers, stuff it!! ahahhahaa...
Well, from the outside, the hotel is way more impressive than hotels such as Shangri-La or Sheraton Surabaya, but actually, the inside is not. And we've stayed in Lotte World before and that one is WAY WAY better than this one. and here we have to pay US$30/24 hours for internet connection.
again. not complaining. I mean, at least not nearly as chronic as Sheila's complaints (sorryyyyyy huahuahuahuahuaaaa.....)
We bought a Fren number in Indonesia who claimed that we can use it in Korea, being CDMA and all. And we did get the signal here, but somehow we failed to make the call. I forgot to bring the instruction manual for making international call from the number, oh well. Anyone knows how to use it? tried +82, +00182, 00182 (without plus), but still not working.
okay, am off to bed now...am tired...
I mean, it was humid hot in Hong Kong, so I didn't even buy any coat there for Korea, expecting it to be at least the same temp. But it was a hot 28C there and half of that here.
Oh well...
We took number 11B bus from the airport to COEX Intercontinental Hotel in Seoul, which costs us 14,000 Won each person one way, which is WAY cheaper than the 140,000 Won the hotel charge for hotel pick up.
There were only three of us on the bus, Ming, me and another guy who stopped at Imperial Palace hotel. The bus is actually quite comfortable, the seat is certainly more comfortable than the economy class at Cathay (no business upgrade this time :P). The driver is polite (he bowed before he drove!!) and the trip is practically traffic free.
We arrived at the hotel around 11:30 pm, and the hotel is nice. I mean, you can't compare it with Grand Hyatt Dubai or Ritz Carlton Singapore, but like Ming said, since this time we actually have to pay for it and not being treated by our customers, stuff it!! ahahhahaa...
Well, from the outside, the hotel is way more impressive than hotels such as Shangri-La or Sheraton Surabaya, but actually, the inside is not. And we've stayed in Lotte World before and that one is WAY WAY better than this one. and here we have to pay US$30/24 hours for internet connection.
again. not complaining. I mean, at least not nearly as chronic as Sheila's complaints (sorryyyyyy huahuahuahuahuaaaa.....)
We bought a Fren number in Indonesia who claimed that we can use it in Korea, being CDMA and all. And we did get the signal here, but somehow we failed to make the call. I forgot to bring the instruction manual for making international call from the number, oh well. Anyone knows how to use it? tried +82, +00182, 00182 (without plus), but still not working.
okay, am off to bed now...am tired...
Monday, April 21, 2008
Today is the first day of two weeks long business trip I'm about to take with Ming....
Felt excited since we're going to a country we're both have never been (usually one of us has already been there)...so that's something new, right? should be excited, right??
But that also means leaving Felicia behind....she's still clueless of course, giving us big, toothless grin when we're leaving this morning to the airport...but I can't help but wanting to take her with us, especially when i saw lil kids at the Hong Kong airport. She'd be SO excited!!!
anyways...can't wait until her first trip to Disneyland...
She just caught a lil cough couple of days ago, but the doctor said that it's because the bad weather, perhaps it's too hot for her. He gave us some medicine and Felicia just took one time last nite and today I called the nanny and she said Felicia's fine and never cough, so we stopped the medicine...
Tomorrow I'll be leaving to Seoul, Korea.
Let's hope it's worth it
Felt excited since we're going to a country we're both have never been (usually one of us has already been there)...so that's something new, right? should be excited, right??
But that also means leaving Felicia behind....she's still clueless of course, giving us big, toothless grin when we're leaving this morning to the airport...but I can't help but wanting to take her with us, especially when i saw lil kids at the Hong Kong airport. She'd be SO excited!!!
anyways...can't wait until her first trip to Disneyland...
She just caught a lil cough couple of days ago, but the doctor said that it's because the bad weather, perhaps it's too hot for her. He gave us some medicine and Felicia just took one time last nite and today I called the nanny and she said Felicia's fine and never cough, so we stopped the medicine...
Tomorrow I'll be leaving to Seoul, Korea.
Let's hope it's worth it
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Kemarin Felicia sakit.
Waktu dikantor, sekitar jam 4:30 dan lagi sibuk sibuknya dengan persiapan pameran minggu depan, mendadak dicari operator. "Bu Vivi, ada telepon dari Ambengan". Hhhh....apalagi? apa mungkin mama yang dari siang tadi telepon tapi nggak sempat ta'jawab? Apa mungkin Yanti minta ijin kerumah saudara/pacar/de el el nya? Apa mungkin suster, minta ijin pulang untuk selametan satu tahun meninggalnya suaminya? memang pernah bilang sih kalo dia mau minta ijin, tapi aku sudah lama lupa...
Kalau boleh milih, aku lebih suka bilang, "Lagi sibuk, suruh telpon lagi ntik". Tapi sejak Felicia lahir, aku sudah janji kalo semua telepon dari Ambengan harus langsung aku terima.
Ternyata Yanti, bilang kalau susternya mau bicara. Hhhhh....
"Nik, ini, tadi Felicia bangun tidur sore badannya sumer"
Aku yang lagi suntuk, leherku capek, mataku perih terlalu lama didepan komputer, tenggorokan kering karena gak sempat minum, semua mendadak nggak terasa lagi. Felicia sakit. semua yang sudah tertata dan terjadwal harus selesai hari itu mendadak nggak penting lagi. Aku nggak inget gimana aku nutup telpon. Yang aku tau, sedetik setelah itu aku telpon kantornya Mink, "Ko, Felicia sakit, kita pulang sekarang".
Sampe rumah jam 5:20 sore. Mama sudah sampe duluan, lagi gendong Felicia. Anakku yang biasanya selalu ketawa en teriak teriak, waktu itu lemes. Mukanya kemerahan. Begitu liat Mink, dia langsung senyum senyum lagi. tapi nggak se-semangat hari hari sebelumnya.
Terus setelah aku ganti baju, aku gendong Felicia. Kaget setengah mati. Badannya gak sumer, tapi panas. Kepalanya, pipinya, tengkuk leher, tangan, kaki, punggung. panas. Matanya juga berkaca-kaca, padahal dia nggak nangis.
Kita ke dokter Daniel di Jalan Bintoro. Baru Jumat lalu kesana untuk vaksinasi. Baru jumat lalu aku ketawa liat Felicia mewek and nangis keras keras, terus intensitas tangisannya ningkat waktu celananya dipelorot en dipegangi, dan akhirnya waktu jarumnya disuntikkan, dia bukan nangis lagi, tapi teriak sampe mukanya merah-rah. Setelah disuntik, dia nangis sesenggukan. tapi waktu itu aku ketawa. Bukan jahat atau sadis. Tapi bangga....hehehehe, anakku udah besar. Udah mulai terbentuk emosinya, udah mulai ngerti takut, sakit, gak suka, dan mulai bisa antisipasi semua itu. Aku masih inget waktu dia umur 3 bulan. Disuntik di dokter, nangis aja gak, matanya cuman berkerut liat dokternya dan bilang, "AH!"
Anyway, sore kemarin waktu balik ke dokter itu dia seperti biasa, mulai lihat-lihat sekelilingnya. Kayanya ingatan buruk terlintas, soalnya setelah itu dia mulai nangis lagi hahahaha...pas diperiksa dokternya dia nangis keras banget, tapi gak teriak kaya jumat kemarin.
Dokter bilang, dia gak sakit pilek atau tenggorokan. Dia kena virus, katanya virus itu biasa didapat anak kecil kalau dibawa ketempat umum yang hawanya kurang bersih. Memang sih, minggu kemarin bawa Felicia ke toko bayi Suzanna. Rencananya beli susu, tapi karena kosong, malah akhirnya beli mainan (lagi) buat Felicia. Rencana lain beli mainan buat anak temennya ko Ming Ming yang ultah sabtu ini malah gak kesampaian hehehehe.
Felicia awalnya nangis Minggu itu, mungkin inget pas dia dibawa ke tempat dokter jumat sebelumya. tapi terus pas ditunjukin mainan - mainan, dia baru mau berhenti nangis, walaupun masih mewek mewek. Sampe dia liat boneka gajah biru yang kalo ditarik belalainya bisa ngeluarin lagu lagu. dia mulai senyum. Terus liat boneka panda yang gedenya se-dia en warna biru laut,dia mulai cekikikan.
Karena susunya gak ada, kita hari Minggu itu lanjutin ke GM. Beli susu di 99 Ranch Market. begitu dapet langsung pulang. dari berangkat sampe ke rumah sekitar 3 jam. Felicia seneng di Mobil, liat liat. Gak mau di tidurin, sampe sangking ngantuknya dia akhirnya ketiduran sambil duduk....hehehe...
Anyway, sapa nyangka kalo 3 jam keluar hari minggu, senin sore langsung panas? Dokternya suruh kasih Panadol tetes buat anak. Sepanjang perjalanan pulang panasnya sedikit turun, tapi tetep panas.
Sampe rumah, kita mulai kompres pake handuk dingin. Aku sediain ember satu disebelahku yang diisi air sama es batu. Dia kaget waktu handuk dingin itu pertama kali aku taruh dikepalanya, tapi gak protes. Aku pake in baju lengen pendek dan celana lengen pendek.
Aku denger, kalo anak kecil panas jangan dibungkus selimut, jangan dibuat supaya begitu panasnya sampe keringet keluar. Bisa bahaya, kalo panas terlalu tinggi bisa bisa step. Jadi aku nyalain AC, baju lengen pendek, di kompres handuk dingin, dan sekitar ketiak, pergelengan tangan, selangkang, belakang telinga, sama tengkuk di olesin alkohol.
Felicia tidur, tapi sebentar-sebentar. Hampir tiap jam bangun. nangis. minta gendong. jadilah aku en susternya gantian. begitu dia bangun mestinya gak pa-pa. Jam 11 bangun malah sempat main peek-a-boo en ketawa ketawa.
Tapi badannya tetap panas. 38.3C. Dia juga gak sesemangat sebelumnya.
Jam 1 pagi, dia bangun dan nangis keras. Aku yang tidur dikamarnya langsung loncat kaget. Pas liat dia, lebih kaget lagi. Mukanya merah, badannya merah semua, dia nangis kaya kesakitan gitu, pas aku mau angkat, tengkuk en punggungnya puanas bukan main. dia nangis terus. dikasih minum gak mau.
Aku gak pernah liat dia kaya gitu, aku gak tau apa yang salah, mana yang sakit. Aku gak ngerti dia en dia gak ngerti aku. Aku mulai ikut nangis. Sediiiiiiiiiiiiiiihhhhhhhhhh deeehhhhhhh....sakitnya ati ini lebih parah dari sakit gara gara patah hati.......
tapi terus aku ganti air di ember sama air baru, en sama es batu lebih banyak. Pake dua handuk. Satu buat kompres kepalanya, satu aku taruh diatas badannya. Begitu handuk itu aku taruh diatas dada dan perutnya yang kecil, dia langsung berhenti nangis.
Karena dia tenang sedikit, aku nyoba lagi kasih minum. dia tetep gak mau minum dari botol. Jadi pertama aku suapin air pake sendok. Dia keliatan haus banget, tapi pas dicoba lagi pake botol tetep gak mau. Jadi mesti nyuapin pake sendok. setelah habis 15CC, aku kasih susunya, dia mulai mau. Lumayan, habis sekitar 50CC. Aku bisa rasain kalo panasnya mulai turun. Untug, aku sudah rencana mau bawa ke UGD kalo panasnya gak turun.
Setelah selesai minum susu dikasih obat lagi. Sudah jam 1:30 pagi. Dia keliatan capek en ngantuk banget, tapi tetep gak bisa tidur. Sama susternya akhirnya badannya dimiringkan ke samping, terus punggung nya dipijet pijet dikit. dia ketiduran. Tapi setiap jam tetep bangun. kadang haus, kadang minta empeng, kadang cuman minta di tepuk tepuk dikit. Sekitar jam 4 pagi baru aku bisa tidur nyenyak.
Jam 5:30 Felicia sudah bangun. Badannya sudah gak panas walaupun kepalanya masih anget.
Udah back to her usual self, senyum senyum, matanya sudah jernih, kulitnya putih, gak lagi merah.
As if the previous night never happened.
Aku sama susternya sudah ngantuk berat. Tapi liat Felicia semangat jadi ikutan bangun hehehe...
Jam 7:15 pagi bangunin ko ming ming. Kasian, mesti ke kantor padahal kemarin dia ikut gak tidur sampe jam 1:30.
Aku akhirnya tidur dari jam 7:30 sampe jam 9 pagi. Terus mertua dateng, terus mama dateng.
Felicia sudah gak pa-pa. sudah bener bener nggak panas, suhunya normal, makan en minum banyak, ketawa cekakakan, nendang nendang, muter muter di tempat tidurnya, ngoceh ngoceh, mainan ludah...her usual, beautiful self.
Aku jadi inget kerjaan dikantor. Kalo aku tinggal di rumah juga percuma. Kalo aku tidur lagi malemnya pasti gak bisa tidur en besok bisa bisa pilekku kambuh. Akhirnya jam 12:00 pas mertuaku pergi perawatan rambut di Jayanata aku nunut. Diantar sopirnya ke pabrik. Sampe pabrik jam 1 siang, terus langsung non stop sampe jam 5 sore ini.
Sekarang ini capek, tapi seperti biasa, kalo aku capeknya melewati batas tertentu, malah gak bisa tidur. Kaya dulu waktu di Dubai hahahaha....
Malem ini aku mampir ke kamar Felicia, waktu dia sudah tidur.
Pipinya yang nyempluk sudah nggak anget, jari jari mungilnya sudah nggak panas, kelopak matanya yang cantik sudah nggak merah. Aku liatin terus muka mungilnya yang bener bener kaya malaikat. Terkagum kagum sendiri kok bisa ya, punya anak secantik ini hahahhaa..
Gak lama kemudian "AAAAWWWwwwwwww!!!!!" Felicia bangun, nangis. Nangisnya gak lagi lirih dan kaya kesakitan. Tangisannya lantang, demanding, dan sebel. hahahaha....matanya belum buka, tapi kedua tangannya yang walaupun mungil tapi bisa njambak rambut dan njiwit pipiku sampe sakit bukan main itu terbuka lebar. Pesannya sederhana.
Gendong. Sekarang.
My sweet lil daughter. My beautiful precious one. Do I really have a choice?
So I hold her, and give thank to God for giving me the privilege of having her as my daughter.
Waktu dikantor, sekitar jam 4:30 dan lagi sibuk sibuknya dengan persiapan pameran minggu depan, mendadak dicari operator. "Bu Vivi, ada telepon dari Ambengan". Hhhh....apalagi? apa mungkin mama yang dari siang tadi telepon tapi nggak sempat ta'jawab? Apa mungkin Yanti minta ijin kerumah saudara/pacar/de el el nya? Apa mungkin suster, minta ijin pulang untuk selametan satu tahun meninggalnya suaminya? memang pernah bilang sih kalo dia mau minta ijin, tapi aku sudah lama lupa...
Kalau boleh milih, aku lebih suka bilang, "Lagi sibuk, suruh telpon lagi ntik". Tapi sejak Felicia lahir, aku sudah janji kalo semua telepon dari Ambengan harus langsung aku terima.
Ternyata Yanti, bilang kalau susternya mau bicara. Hhhhh....
"Nik, ini, tadi Felicia bangun tidur sore badannya sumer"
Aku yang lagi suntuk, leherku capek, mataku perih terlalu lama didepan komputer, tenggorokan kering karena gak sempat minum, semua mendadak nggak terasa lagi. Felicia sakit. semua yang sudah tertata dan terjadwal harus selesai hari itu mendadak nggak penting lagi. Aku nggak inget gimana aku nutup telpon. Yang aku tau, sedetik setelah itu aku telpon kantornya Mink, "Ko, Felicia sakit, kita pulang sekarang".
Sampe rumah jam 5:20 sore. Mama sudah sampe duluan, lagi gendong Felicia. Anakku yang biasanya selalu ketawa en teriak teriak, waktu itu lemes. Mukanya kemerahan. Begitu liat Mink, dia langsung senyum senyum lagi. tapi nggak se-semangat hari hari sebelumnya.
Terus setelah aku ganti baju, aku gendong Felicia. Kaget setengah mati. Badannya gak sumer, tapi panas. Kepalanya, pipinya, tengkuk leher, tangan, kaki, punggung. panas. Matanya juga berkaca-kaca, padahal dia nggak nangis.
Kita ke dokter Daniel di Jalan Bintoro. Baru Jumat lalu kesana untuk vaksinasi. Baru jumat lalu aku ketawa liat Felicia mewek and nangis keras keras, terus intensitas tangisannya ningkat waktu celananya dipelorot en dipegangi, dan akhirnya waktu jarumnya disuntikkan, dia bukan nangis lagi, tapi teriak sampe mukanya merah-rah. Setelah disuntik, dia nangis sesenggukan. tapi waktu itu aku ketawa. Bukan jahat atau sadis. Tapi bangga....hehehehe, anakku udah besar. Udah mulai terbentuk emosinya, udah mulai ngerti takut, sakit, gak suka, dan mulai bisa antisipasi semua itu. Aku masih inget waktu dia umur 3 bulan. Disuntik di dokter, nangis aja gak, matanya cuman berkerut liat dokternya dan bilang, "AH!"
Anyway, sore kemarin waktu balik ke dokter itu dia seperti biasa, mulai lihat-lihat sekelilingnya. Kayanya ingatan buruk terlintas, soalnya setelah itu dia mulai nangis lagi hahahaha...pas diperiksa dokternya dia nangis keras banget, tapi gak teriak kaya jumat kemarin.
Dokter bilang, dia gak sakit pilek atau tenggorokan. Dia kena virus, katanya virus itu biasa didapat anak kecil kalau dibawa ketempat umum yang hawanya kurang bersih. Memang sih, minggu kemarin bawa Felicia ke toko bayi Suzanna. Rencananya beli susu, tapi karena kosong, malah akhirnya beli mainan (lagi) buat Felicia. Rencana lain beli mainan buat anak temennya ko Ming Ming yang ultah sabtu ini malah gak kesampaian hehehehe.
Felicia awalnya nangis Minggu itu, mungkin inget pas dia dibawa ke tempat dokter jumat sebelumya. tapi terus pas ditunjukin mainan - mainan, dia baru mau berhenti nangis, walaupun masih mewek mewek. Sampe dia liat boneka gajah biru yang kalo ditarik belalainya bisa ngeluarin lagu lagu. dia mulai senyum. Terus liat boneka panda yang gedenya se-dia en warna biru laut,dia mulai cekikikan.
Karena susunya gak ada, kita hari Minggu itu lanjutin ke GM. Beli susu di 99 Ranch Market. begitu dapet langsung pulang. dari berangkat sampe ke rumah sekitar 3 jam. Felicia seneng di Mobil, liat liat. Gak mau di tidurin, sampe sangking ngantuknya dia akhirnya ketiduran sambil duduk....hehehe...
Anyway, sapa nyangka kalo 3 jam keluar hari minggu, senin sore langsung panas? Dokternya suruh kasih Panadol tetes buat anak. Sepanjang perjalanan pulang panasnya sedikit turun, tapi tetep panas.
Sampe rumah, kita mulai kompres pake handuk dingin. Aku sediain ember satu disebelahku yang diisi air sama es batu. Dia kaget waktu handuk dingin itu pertama kali aku taruh dikepalanya, tapi gak protes. Aku pake in baju lengen pendek dan celana lengen pendek.
Aku denger, kalo anak kecil panas jangan dibungkus selimut, jangan dibuat supaya begitu panasnya sampe keringet keluar. Bisa bahaya, kalo panas terlalu tinggi bisa bisa step. Jadi aku nyalain AC, baju lengen pendek, di kompres handuk dingin, dan sekitar ketiak, pergelengan tangan, selangkang, belakang telinga, sama tengkuk di olesin alkohol.
Felicia tidur, tapi sebentar-sebentar. Hampir tiap jam bangun. nangis. minta gendong. jadilah aku en susternya gantian. begitu dia bangun mestinya gak pa-pa. Jam 11 bangun malah sempat main peek-a-boo en ketawa ketawa.
Tapi badannya tetap panas. 38.3C. Dia juga gak sesemangat sebelumnya.
Jam 1 pagi, dia bangun dan nangis keras. Aku yang tidur dikamarnya langsung loncat kaget. Pas liat dia, lebih kaget lagi. Mukanya merah, badannya merah semua, dia nangis kaya kesakitan gitu, pas aku mau angkat, tengkuk en punggungnya puanas bukan main. dia nangis terus. dikasih minum gak mau.
Aku gak pernah liat dia kaya gitu, aku gak tau apa yang salah, mana yang sakit. Aku gak ngerti dia en dia gak ngerti aku. Aku mulai ikut nangis. Sediiiiiiiiiiiiiiihhhhhhhhhh deeehhhhhhh....sakitnya ati ini lebih parah dari sakit gara gara patah hati.......
tapi terus aku ganti air di ember sama air baru, en sama es batu lebih banyak. Pake dua handuk. Satu buat kompres kepalanya, satu aku taruh diatas badannya. Begitu handuk itu aku taruh diatas dada dan perutnya yang kecil, dia langsung berhenti nangis.
Karena dia tenang sedikit, aku nyoba lagi kasih minum. dia tetep gak mau minum dari botol. Jadi pertama aku suapin air pake sendok. Dia keliatan haus banget, tapi pas dicoba lagi pake botol tetep gak mau. Jadi mesti nyuapin pake sendok. setelah habis 15CC, aku kasih susunya, dia mulai mau. Lumayan, habis sekitar 50CC. Aku bisa rasain kalo panasnya mulai turun. Untug, aku sudah rencana mau bawa ke UGD kalo panasnya gak turun.
Setelah selesai minum susu dikasih obat lagi. Sudah jam 1:30 pagi. Dia keliatan capek en ngantuk banget, tapi tetep gak bisa tidur. Sama susternya akhirnya badannya dimiringkan ke samping, terus punggung nya dipijet pijet dikit. dia ketiduran. Tapi setiap jam tetep bangun. kadang haus, kadang minta empeng, kadang cuman minta di tepuk tepuk dikit. Sekitar jam 4 pagi baru aku bisa tidur nyenyak.
Jam 5:30 Felicia sudah bangun. Badannya sudah gak panas walaupun kepalanya masih anget.
Udah back to her usual self, senyum senyum, matanya sudah jernih, kulitnya putih, gak lagi merah.
As if the previous night never happened.
Aku sama susternya sudah ngantuk berat. Tapi liat Felicia semangat jadi ikutan bangun hehehe...
Jam 7:15 pagi bangunin ko ming ming. Kasian, mesti ke kantor padahal kemarin dia ikut gak tidur sampe jam 1:30.
Aku akhirnya tidur dari jam 7:30 sampe jam 9 pagi. Terus mertua dateng, terus mama dateng.
Felicia sudah gak pa-pa. sudah bener bener nggak panas, suhunya normal, makan en minum banyak, ketawa cekakakan, nendang nendang, muter muter di tempat tidurnya, ngoceh ngoceh, mainan ludah...her usual, beautiful self.
Aku jadi inget kerjaan dikantor. Kalo aku tinggal di rumah juga percuma. Kalo aku tidur lagi malemnya pasti gak bisa tidur en besok bisa bisa pilekku kambuh. Akhirnya jam 12:00 pas mertuaku pergi perawatan rambut di Jayanata aku nunut. Diantar sopirnya ke pabrik. Sampe pabrik jam 1 siang, terus langsung non stop sampe jam 5 sore ini.
Sekarang ini capek, tapi seperti biasa, kalo aku capeknya melewati batas tertentu, malah gak bisa tidur. Kaya dulu waktu di Dubai hahahaha....
Malem ini aku mampir ke kamar Felicia, waktu dia sudah tidur.
Pipinya yang nyempluk sudah nggak anget, jari jari mungilnya sudah nggak panas, kelopak matanya yang cantik sudah nggak merah. Aku liatin terus muka mungilnya yang bener bener kaya malaikat. Terkagum kagum sendiri kok bisa ya, punya anak secantik ini hahahhaa..
Gak lama kemudian "AAAAWWWwwwwwww!!!!!" Felicia bangun, nangis. Nangisnya gak lagi lirih dan kaya kesakitan. Tangisannya lantang, demanding, dan sebel. hahahaha....matanya belum buka, tapi kedua tangannya yang walaupun mungil tapi bisa njambak rambut dan njiwit pipiku sampe sakit bukan main itu terbuka lebar. Pesannya sederhana.
Gendong. Sekarang.
My sweet lil daughter. My beautiful precious one. Do I really have a choice?
So I hold her, and give thank to God for giving me the privilege of having her as my daughter.
Quote from Mr. Mohammad Ali, world's greatest boxer

"It's just a job. Grass grows, birds fly, waves pound the sand. I beat people up."
so please, dont get offended when I insult you, it's just something that I do, bwahahah!
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Quote of the Day

The words:
"I speak Spanish to God, Italian to women, French to men and German to my horse."
The speaker:
King Charles the Fifth (1500–1558), King of Spain and Holy Roman Emperor.
To Sheila:
Please tell your 'friend' that as Charles V is also Holy Roman Emperor, that means that he was also the King of Germany! He is Spanish though (The Holy Roman Empire was the precursor of the German states later on)

the coin inscriptions read IMP.CAES.CAROLVS.V.AVG, meaning:
IMP = Imperator, a honorary title bestowed when a general has won a victory in battle.
CAES = Caesar, means there is family relation to Julius Caesar (but later on means it's a title of the emperor)
CAROLVS V = Charles V, in Roman alphabet
AVG = Augustus, Roman rulers held the title of Augustus (and Charles V was Holy Roman Emperor) and it's most distinctive title, used only by the reigning emperor
Saturday, April 5, 2008
The Pursuit of Happiness ... A Contemplation
Tonight i have absolutely nothing to do. Ming is busy with his game and Felicia is sleeping, and HBO is playing Colin Farrel's worst movie, Miami Vice, in which he looks more like a pimp than the heartthrob he's supposed to be.
Anyway, since having nothing to do, my mind starts to wonder and I guess reading Sheila's blogs, made me starts thinking about relationships and life...
For once, I can't help but thinking, why is it that parents do things that are hurtful for their children in the name of happiness or what's best for them or the greater good?
Being a parent myself, am I bound to do that to my daughter?
Is it something that can't be help? like sneezing?
Why do parents presume to know more than their children? Why is it that parents tend to discount their children's sense of being?
Felicia, only 5 months now, is a completely different and independent entity. Meaning that she has feeling of her own, she has her own sets of character. One day, she will become a grown woman, who can think for herself and whose values and judgment I have to respect and recognized.
As a parent, all I want is for her to be happy. I want her to grow up to be a strong, independent, smart, God-fearing (something I've failed more than often...sadly...), and beautiful inside out woman. and I suppose that's my task as a mum, bringing her up like that.
But then, I realize that there will be one time when her definition of happiness will not be the same as mine.
She may not want to work for the company, she may not want to be a doctor (basically, that's about the other future I want for her if she doesn't like the family's business) ... and, she may want to marry someone I don't like.
I've always told Sheila that I will not come between my daughter and her love. My mum always let us, her daughters, decide our own future, whom we should marry. She has no objections as to my sister's wedding with a japanese man. and though my dad is a bit more conservative, in the end, he always leave it up to us. If my younger sister found a nice man with a good job, good future and good family background, I'm sure they don't mind, even if he's a bule (though my dad would not be too excited about it...)
But, what if one day my daughter came home bringing a man she loves: a handsome, sweet, nice guy, a gentleman with good family and a good and steady job and even very smart that he can be a valuable addition to the company, with only one thing: he's a pribumi? (I even took a split second time out knocking my laptop three times as I typed it).
Will I be as warm and welcoming? or will I start saying, :"Jangan mau kalo pergi sama [orang pribumi] ya. Mama kan udah bilang, Mama nggak suka lho kalo kamu dapat [orang pribumi]. Kulturnya beda. Semuanya beda. Nggak cocok. Kamu harus nurut kalo Mama bilang. Jangan pacaran-pacaran sama orang luar nggak jelas semua."
Will I refuse to even consider the possibility that he is actually a good guy and that they both suit each other? Will I think that my daughter is just in "a bad and unsuitable environment" and ask her to stop hanging out with her friends? or will I start seeing the whole thing as my failure as her mum??
I've always thought that I would never come between my daughter and her happiness. That I would have the least inclination of breaking someone's neck if he breaks my daughter's heart.
But what if, the one that's making my daughter cried is me?
Will my heart be big enough to let her pursue her own happiness?
I realize now that sometimes, we're asking our parents too much. I start to understand my mom's fuss on my younger sister; still single and at university. Will she get a good job? Will she get a good husband? I start to see that sometimes our response, "Mum, trust us. We know what we're doing", is barely enough to lessen our mum's worries.
I know now that my mom wants the best for us; I mean, i know that before, but just starts to truly realize it after I become a mum myself.
And around the same time with that, I realize what's wrong with my mum that annoys me so much. She can never stop worrying. Just like I can never stop worrying about my Felicia.
hhh...if only this job comes with a clear job description and a hand book, like "Dummy's Guide on Being A Mom: How to React When Your Kid Falls In Love With Someone You Hate?" or "How to Make Your Daughter Do What You Want and Love You Still?"
Anyways...tired typing now..better be off to bed....
Anyway, since having nothing to do, my mind starts to wonder and I guess reading Sheila's blogs, made me starts thinking about relationships and life...
For once, I can't help but thinking, why is it that parents do things that are hurtful for their children in the name of happiness or what's best for them or the greater good?
Being a parent myself, am I bound to do that to my daughter?
Is it something that can't be help? like sneezing?
Why do parents presume to know more than their children? Why is it that parents tend to discount their children's sense of being?
Felicia, only 5 months now, is a completely different and independent entity. Meaning that she has feeling of her own, she has her own sets of character. One day, she will become a grown woman, who can think for herself and whose values and judgment I have to respect and recognized.
As a parent, all I want is for her to be happy. I want her to grow up to be a strong, independent, smart, God-fearing (something I've failed more than often...sadly...), and beautiful inside out woman. and I suppose that's my task as a mum, bringing her up like that.
But then, I realize that there will be one time when her definition of happiness will not be the same as mine.
She may not want to work for the company, she may not want to be a doctor (basically, that's about the other future I want for her if she doesn't like the family's business) ... and, she may want to marry someone I don't like.
I've always told Sheila that I will not come between my daughter and her love. My mum always let us, her daughters, decide our own future, whom we should marry. She has no objections as to my sister's wedding with a japanese man. and though my dad is a bit more conservative, in the end, he always leave it up to us. If my younger sister found a nice man with a good job, good future and good family background, I'm sure they don't mind, even if he's a bule (though my dad would not be too excited about it...)
But, what if one day my daughter came home bringing a man she loves: a handsome, sweet, nice guy, a gentleman with good family and a good and steady job and even very smart that he can be a valuable addition to the company, with only one thing: he's a pribumi? (I even took a split second time out knocking my laptop three times as I typed it).
Will I be as warm and welcoming? or will I start saying, :"Jangan mau kalo pergi sama [orang pribumi] ya. Mama kan udah bilang, Mama nggak suka lho kalo kamu dapat [orang pribumi]. Kulturnya beda. Semuanya beda. Nggak cocok. Kamu harus nurut kalo Mama bilang. Jangan pacaran-pacaran sama orang luar nggak jelas semua."
Will I refuse to even consider the possibility that he is actually a good guy and that they both suit each other? Will I think that my daughter is just in "a bad and unsuitable environment" and ask her to stop hanging out with her friends? or will I start seeing the whole thing as my failure as her mum??
I've always thought that I would never come between my daughter and her happiness. That I would have the least inclination of breaking someone's neck if he breaks my daughter's heart.
But what if, the one that's making my daughter cried is me?
Will my heart be big enough to let her pursue her own happiness?
I realize now that sometimes, we're asking our parents too much. I start to understand my mom's fuss on my younger sister; still single and at university. Will she get a good job? Will she get a good husband? I start to see that sometimes our response, "Mum, trust us. We know what we're doing", is barely enough to lessen our mum's worries.
I know now that my mom wants the best for us; I mean, i know that before, but just starts to truly realize it after I become a mum myself.
And around the same time with that, I realize what's wrong with my mum that annoys me so much. She can never stop worrying. Just like I can never stop worrying about my Felicia.
hhh...if only this job comes with a clear job description and a hand book, like "Dummy's Guide on Being A Mom: How to React When Your Kid Falls In Love With Someone You Hate?" or "How to Make Your Daughter Do What You Want and Love You Still?"
Anyways...tired typing now..better be off to bed....
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