Thursday, December 27, 2007

Merry Christmas!

I haven't blogged for the longest time so far... but before that, Lawrence, Felicia and I would like to wish all of you A Merry Christmas !!

So, here's what happened since my last posting...

I return to work starting on November 26, only 1.5 months after giving birth.  The first week, I spent only half days at work which means that I really can't do much.  But it's quite helpful I suppose, and better that than making myself available at home via phone (been ringing off the hook from 8 to 5 anyway).  

My first week at work...I miss Felicia terribly by 11am hehehe.

Now it's been exactly one month since I go back to work, and I've managed to catch up, thanks to my colleagues who've been very much helpful, and to Ming of course.

I went to two wedding parties in between, which means I have to buy a new dress since nothing I had before I got pregnant fits.  But I manage to find one sweet black dress, thanks to Sophie's help.  (I spent one Saturday afternoon to go to every store in Galaxy Mall.  Have hard time finding a dress that fits.  I suspect all they have is imported clothes from Hong Kong/Korea for small, tiny, waif-like girls....)

Felicia is now 2.5 months young.  As you can see from the pics, she's getting cuter and prettier and smarter by the day!!  She loves the mobile toy we hang on top of the crib, she's now having 80cc of milk every 2.5 hours, she's 5.8KG and 60cm long last week (21 dec).

Yesterday she tried both banana and papaya, and from her expression, I suspects she loves banana far more than papaya....

oh well, now that I'm working 8 to 5, nothing much really that I can say ...

that's it folks!


The Diva said...

And you forgot to mention that on Christmas day, Felicia's great sexy Tante Nit (Tante Genit) Aunt Sheila paid a visit to her!!!!


Eh Vi kapan nganggur lagi kita keluar makan atau ngerumpi yuk???
I don't think that last 4 hours of chit chat fulfilled its purpose and our needs, hahahahahaha.

Hmmm I already look forward to holding Felicia again (before she gets heavier and I cant hold her anymore hahahaha). Tapi ya rada takut ya... kemarin takliat2 lagi fotonya, caraku nggendong kok rodok medheni, hahahahaha...

Vivi said...

Oh yeah!! I thought I missed something important...