Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Dec 4th pics

My Passport Photo

Posing with Mommy, aaarrr!


cici said...

aduoh lucuneeeee!!! hiii kayake gendongange uenak gitu ya...manteppp

vini said...

katane atsushi bayine mirip mamane....hhhh.....iri aku, ntik ndek greece i`ll do my best!!!! any tips???

Lord Steiner said...

My tip: watch porn, you can have many ideas from those. There should be plenty of them in Japan..

The Diva said...


Do it the missionary position, then after sex, lift your legs and your butt and put them up against the wall, that way you help the sperms going faster into the womb and finding the right eggs. Hehehehehe.... EHHH I'VE NEVER DONE THAT BEFORE; I just watched Phoebe doing so in Friends, when she was supposed to be the surrogate mother for her brother, remember???

Vi, kamu ketok kurusan lho di foto itu.
Bagusss, dietnya berhasil. Tips nya apa?????????

cici said...

I really want to give you some suggestions, too ce Vini...but somehow I think I better shut up hehehehehehehehehe

imoet said...

mukanya kayak mommy, tapi matanya kayak papanya ya....hihihi lucu yang foto berdua vivi, sama2 sok cool gayanya

dietmu berhasil, vi! udah kelihatan kurus banyak

Vivi said...

mungkin karena aku balik kerja jadi lebih gampang turun kali ya? gak tau lah, yang jelas sih aku ngurangin nasi, pagi minum kopi instead of having breakfast, terus minum sinom buat ngelancarin bb hahahaha

hei, moet, iki boleh gak minum sinom?? sapa tau bisa lebih lancar bb-nya...

yang jelas minggu lalu pernah 2 atau 3 hari gak bisa bb, terus kebetulan ada sinom di kantor. aku minum itu kan soalnya seger, eh, gak taunya habis gitu bisa bb, en besoknya turun satu kilo bok!! huahuahuahauhaua

sekarang lagi berusaha gak mikirin kurang berapa kilo lagi, tapi berusaha inget sudah berapa kilo yang ilang. kalo sudah gitu jadi semangat lagi deh!!!
ya sudah, sekarang aku tiap hari minum sinom buat ngelancarin bb. gak banyak sih, maksimum 2 gelas.

Han said...

I just want to remind all here that...someday the kid will grow up and read all of this. Thank you. *bow.

imoet said...

wah mr. han bener juga :))

sinom ya...hmmm ntar coba aku minta temenku di surabaya cari apa ada yang sachet-an trus kirim kesini hehehe. worth trying lah!
kalo BB lancar berat badan juga berkurang toh. wah!!! sheila yang eek seminggu sekali lak bakal kehilangan berkilo2 kalo bisa lancar?! hahahahah

The Diva said...

so when's the next post coming??? Jan 4th???

vini said...

once a week???!!! u need to talk to your dad sheila!!! im proudly said that i disposed the unnecessary stuffs every morning :)