Friday, March 6, 2009

Book for March '09

'Love means not ever having to say you're sorry.'
From Love Story, by Erich Segal

At first, the words may not make sense; as I told my colleague, if you're acting like an ass or a bitch to your significant other, of course you have to say you're sorry.

But after reading this book, what it said makes perfect sense.

If you truly love someone, you don't need to say you're sorry, because, well, won't that person become the most important reason in your life that you treat him or her with such respect and devotion so that you won't ever slight them? Then again, maybe not. After all, I know how easily it is to treat a complete stranger with exquisite manners and then turn around and yell to your loved ones because, really, shouldn't they know better?

But again, if you truly love someone, shouldn't you accept that person's flaws as well? Shouldn't you be forgiving without having to ask that person to apologize first?

I know that when I quarrel with my Ming, and those incidents are not infrequent believe you me, and he said he's sorry (though sometimes, very seldom occasions I tell you, quite rare really, that the fault is mine), somehow his sorry is not what I want to hear. It's not what I need. It doesn't lessen the pain, so to speak.

Sometimes, what I want from him is to really listen to how I feel about the whole thing, and understand. My feeling and thoughts may be ridiculous according to him, it doesn't make any sense and he even may think I'm wrong, and maybe I am, but above all else, I can say with utmost certainty, that I don't need, or want, his sorry.

I want his understanding; I want him to go the extra miles in not only understanding but also accepting the twisted mind of a hormonal and irrational-at-times woman he vows to love for better or worse till death do us part. Just because. Just because with this woman, it's different. Just because this woman is his wife, his significant other, the mother of his child. Just because he loves this woman.

And that is how I see this book all about. Loving someone without motives. Loving someone just because.

When you read this book, you may get different message, or no message at all. I don't think the author meant to impart life-changing experience for the readers. But for me, well, it conveys perfectly in words what I've been trying to grasp, what i try to tell Ming after we have all those fights that really, he doesn't ever have to say he's sorry. Just Because.


Lord Steiner said...

Yeah, I dont need to say sorry! Just because.....

Let's see some quotes:

Quote #1
Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. Ephesians 5:22

Quote #2
For the husband is head of the wife, as also Christ is head of the church; and He is the Savior of the body. Therefore, just as the church is subject to Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in everything. Ephesians 5:23-24

Also for you girls, learn the dog's behavior, for they give you their unconditional love. That's why they are man's best friends! Bwahahah

Ignore my comment if you are one or more of the followings: an unbeliever, a radical feminist, an infidel!

Vivi said...

well, we're not men's bestfriend, we're they're soulmate!!!

vini said...

lets see....when im upset, i ALWAYS blame atsushi, somehow, i ALWAYS find a way to connect the incident with him. For example, when im upset because i have to carry the stroller and the grocery in the rain, how do i blame atsushi? i blame him for making me live here huahuahauhauhauhauhua...
BUT BUT BUT, recently, i realize that its not good, and i AM trying to change. so though i think its atsushi`s fault, i try my best to keep my mouth shut :)

sondok nyimpang ya from the topic?