My husband and daughter were sick yesterday...Ming is having stomache flu and Felicia is having runny nose and a bit of cough since Sunday.
Anyway, by yesterday afternoon, her runny nose was definately NOT getting better, and she refuses any attempts from us to clean her nose. She'd shook her head and said "Emoh, moh!" and the more we insisted on doing it, the more frustrated she got and finally she'd cried....
This is her first time having runny nose, and I just didn't have the heart to see her nose all so dirty and the discharges almost reached her lips. But still, she'd say, "Moh!"
So my nanny told me that I should try to suck the snot from her nostril. (We bought the tool to have the snots removed, but it just didn't work and Felicia was so angry everytime we tried it on her..)
At first I said no of course. I'd prefer to wait for my mom and ask her to do it.
But then I don't know when my mom is coming, and when I looked at her, I felt SO SO baddd......she's looking at me with that adorable eyes, smiling with her runny nose...
So I decided to do it. Her nanny holding her tight, she's screaming and trying to get away, and I tried NOT to look at the fact that her snots are everywhere...and I did it.
The first and second attempt I failed. I didn't know exactly what to do. But the third attempt was a success. I can feel the snots was quite a lot when I spat it. and once we let go Felicia, she immediately stopped crying, and it was obvious that she felt a lot better, since her nose is dried for the first time in 48 hours.
She's smiling and I thought, wow. I AM a mom! I mean, I may not give birth naturally, but I just suck my baby's snots!! It was a happy ending after all! and It's not in vain!!!
Then I ran to my bathroom and threw up.