Saturday, September 29, 2007

A matter of drinking cold water...

If you ask all doctors in the world, they would say that contrary to old believes, there is actually no connection between drinking cold water/juice/other fluids and the weight of your baby.

To drink ice water in front of your mom however, you may trigger an half an hour lecture of the danger of seemingly innocent, deliciously tempting cold drinks in hot weather. You will have big baby, your womb will somehow lowers, etc, etc.

A couple of nights ago, I was having dinner with my parents in WAPO, in Kayoon which is well known for its huge portion with small cost. The restaurant has no AC, and in the humid, stuffy hot weather of Surabaya, the prospect of having Es Blewah can make anyone drool, let alone if you're eight months (very close to nine) pregnant who's even sweating in an air conned room.

Of course, as suspected, my mum made a huge fuss about it. I told her that none of the doctors, obgyns I've met said that it's not ok to drink ice (ok, i shouldn't have had sweet blewah juice, but she made a fuss about the fact that it's cold, not the fact that it's sweet. So why disclosing that fact?). That it is scientifically proven that once the cold water pass your throat, the temperature follows your body's, and it won't stay cold in your tummy. So how would it affect my baby?

My mum, of course, insists that being a mom of three, she knows better than the doctors because of her own personal experience.

Well, i think i deserve a treat after a long day in the office. So I drank it anyway, with as much delight.

I love my mum of course, and she's the first person I called if I don't feel good. I try to listen and follow her advice. But more often than not, it is easier said than done. I wonder if my daughter will do the same to me.

Will I , in perhaps 25 years, scold my daughter for having cold juice? telling her it will cause her baby to be big? will i forget just how wonderful it feels to have sweet, cold, juicy blewah running down your throat when the temparature is almost unbearable and you're heavily pregnant?

Admittedly, I really won't know the true effect of cold water until perhaps years on. and honestly, i really don't care at this time.

As for my mum, who always told me that she demanded es blewah almost every night while pregnant with me, well, apparently she used to tell my dad (who scolded her because he believes ice water cause your baby to be big) that drinking cold water had no effect on the baby because the temperature changed after you drink it.

I was born 4.2kg nine months later, the biggest baby in Adi Husada hospital that night.

Friday, September 28, 2007


gila....aku mungkin memang orang paling gaptek ya...

setelah dua hari nyoba posting, ternyata baru tau kalo aku masukin password salah...pantesan gak bisa terus...

anyway, today I had a good day. Not so many things at work, since I finished most of my job yesterday. Woke up at 5:30, thanks to the ever stronger kicks from my baby girl. then left for work with antar jemput.

now that I'm getting closer to my due date, my feet swells so much that it really hurts at times, my fingers too, especially when i just woke up.

I officially have no ankle anymore.

I had dinner alone today. the first time in years i think. My parents went for medical check up and Ming is in Hong Kong. So after work i went to Sinar and got myself Soto Ayam Ambengan and Batagor, two chips and aqua (no rice, don't worry). I sat there alone, watching many people having their meal after day long fasting. It's nice to see families there too.

Now that i think of it, will people look at me in a weird way? a heavily pregnant woman eating alone in a restaurant? oh well.. who cares lah...

then I got home, talked for a while with hubby, and logged in to MSN messanger, and guess what!! my two sisters are online!!! It's very seldom occasion, but we got to chat a lot and laughed a lot. Felt like they're just next to me, though in reality my older sister is in Japan and my younger sister in Singapore.

Cici plans to come in November, and they're all gonna be here probably in April! yay!!! it will be like, hm...2.5 years since the last time we're all get together...

oh well, it's 9:30 pm and I'm really tired and so sleepy...

Monday, September 24, 2007

9 1/2 months

Well, okay, to be exact it's still 8 1/2 months, which means I have one more month to go before the baby is due.

This blog is dedicated for our first baby girl (and perhaps her younger siblings later on in life).  I hope one day she can read this blog and understand that her mum and dad are just, well, human beings who made mistakes and doing their best to be good parents.

So, here it goes....


This blog is now established!!!

Officiating person:
Steiner Shadowbane, Lord

Officiating person:
Vivi Yovita