Thursday, April 22, 2010
Gold Expanse
Seriously? You're only 2.5 yrs young! - Awesomeness # 3
So yesterday I went home and Felicia's nanny showed me two red scratches on her face, courtesy of angry Felicia.
This is of course unacceptable. I decided to have a serious talk with my daughter alone. It went something like this:
M(ama) : Felicia, who scratched nanny's face?
F(elicia) : Felicia!, (then with the most earnest concern she continued) It's bleeding mom!
M : Yes, I saw. Felicia, you must never do that. It is painful and I don't want you hurting other people. This is unacceptable!
Then Papa showed up and I told Papa what Felicia did. Papa decided that this matter is, indeed, very serious, and he carried Felicia to see the nanny.
P(apa) : Felicia, who did this?
F(elicia) : Felicia! It's bleeding, papa!
P : Yes, I can see that. That is very bad what you did. Papa doesn't like you hurting other people like that! If you do it again that I will have to punish you (or something like that)
M : Yes, if you do it again, then I will send Nanny to Howard (Felicia's cousin)
F : NO!!!!
M: Then you must never do it again. Have you apologized to nanny?
F: Sorry, Sus!
M: Where is your naughty hand?! (this is usually a clue for her to show the aforementioned hand so we can rapped her hand)
F: Oh, Mom! It's not here! My hand is hiding, mom!
M: (Turning around for a second so she can hide her smile), Then go and find your hand!
Felicia completely ignored mom's demand and instead scanned the ceiling either pretending mom's not there or she didn't see mom or actually looking for the hidden hand....
Friday, April 16, 2010
The Bible is awesome!
I really love the Bible, it has everything that you need. For my current situation I got this:
"If you find honey, eat just enough—
too much of it, and you will vomit.
Seldom set foot in your neighbor's house—
too much of you, and he will hate you."
Friday, April 2, 2010
Problem Solver - Awesomeness # 2
Felicia : Dad, that is my bag, give it to me (her dad gave it to her and she turned to me)
Felicia : Mom, carry my bag (then turned to Daddy again)
Felicia : Dad, that is mom's bag (then turned to me) Mom, carry your bag